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龙 勉


1964.02      出生于四川省荣县

1980.09-1984.07  上海交通大学动力机械工程系 科学学士

1989.03-1990.03  日本Gunma大学 联合培养博士

1990.07      重庆大学生物工程研究中心 工学博士(中日联培)

1995.03      重庆大学生物工程研究(学)院 教授

1996.06-1999.08  美国Georgia Institute of Technology 高访学者

1999        入选中国科学院“百人计划”

2000.07      中国科学院力学研究所 研究员、博士生导师


研究领域 细胞与分子生物力学与工程

研究兴趣 细胞粘附分子相互作用的生物力学理论与实验;细胞生长、增殖、分化的力学-化学耦合;细胞-细胞、细胞-表面相互作用的分子机制。


1. Long M., Toyama Y., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Wu Y. P., and Oka S. 1990. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate II.Dependence on electric current. Biorheology,Vol.27(5): 769-777.

2. Long M., Toyama Y., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Wu Y. P., and Oka S. 1990. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate I. Enhancement in saline solution. Biorheology, Vol.27, No.2:241-246.

3. Long M., Toyama Y., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Wu Y. P., and Oka S. 1990. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate III. Volume fraction dependence in saline solution. Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan, Vol.33:623-626.

4. Toyama Y., Long M., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Cerny L. C., and Oka S. 1990. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate VI. Comparison of deformability in hardened and intact erythrocytes. Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan, Vol.33:615-616.

5. Long M., Wang H. B., Wu Z. Z., Wu Y. P., and Sakanishi A. 1994. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate IV. Volume fraction dependence of human red cells in plasma. Biorheology, Vol.31, No.3:287-296.

6. Long M., Goldsmith H.L., Tees D.F.J., and Zhu C. 1999. Probabilistic modeling of shear-induced formation and breakage of doublets cross-linked by receptor-ligand bonds. Biophys. J., Vol.76:1112-1128.

7. Wang X., Wu Z.Z., Song G.B., Wang H.B., Long M., and Cai S.X. 1999.Effects of oxidative damage of membrane protein thiol groups on erythrocyte membrane viscoelasticity. Clin. Hemorheo. & Microcircul., Vol.21:137-146.

8. Wu Z.Z., Zhang G., Long M., Wang H.B., Song G.B., and Cai S.X. 2000. Comparison of the viscoelastic properties of normal hepatocytes and hepatocarcinoma cells under cytoskeletal perturbation. Biorheology, Vol. 37(4): 279-290.

9. Long M., Zhao H., Huang K.-S., and Zhu C. 2001. Kinetic measurements of cell surface E-selectin/carbohydrate ligand interactions. Ann. Biomed. Engi., Vol. 29: 935-946

10. Zhu C, Long M., and Bongrand P. Measuring receptor/ligand interaction at the single bond level: Experimental and interpretive issues. Ann. Biomed. Engi., in press.

通信地址:中国科学院力学研究所 国家微重力实验室/生物力学与生物工程中心 北京市北四环西路15号(100190)