

Professional Experience

  • Present: Inaugral Chairman, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University, since 2000
  • Present: Director, The Liu Ping Laboratory for Functional Tissue Engineering Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University, since 2003
  • Present: Stanley Dicker Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Orthopaedic Bioengineering, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University, since 1998
  • 1995-00: Director, Center for Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University
  • 1986-02: Director, New York Orthopaedic Hospital Research Laboratory, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
  • 1986-98: Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Orthopaedic Bioengineering, Columbia University
  • 1982-86: John A. Clark and Edward T. Crossan Professor of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 1976-77: Visiting Professor, Harvard Medical School
  • 1976-82: Professor of Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 1969-76: Associate Professor of Mechanics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 1968-69: Member of Technical Staff, Division of Engineering Mechanics, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated


  • Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), 2008
  • Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2004
  • U.S. Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, 1998
  • U.S. National Academy of Engineering, 1991

Honors and Awards

  • Top 10 Mechanical Engineering Graduate from RPI for the Centenial Celebration of the ME Department  
  • OARSI 2008 Outstanding Basic Science Award, OARSI World Congress, Rome, Italy, September 18, 2008
  • Biot Heritage Lecture, Columbia University, New York, November 16, 2006
  • Davies Medal for Outstanding Alumni Achievements, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 6, 2006
  • Named Lecture Series:  The Annual Van C. Mow Lecture Series in Applied Mechanics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2006-
  • Honorary Member, International Chinese Hard Tissue Society, 2005
  • Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2005
  • Namesake for ASME Medal:  The Van C. Mow Medal for Excellence in Bioengineering, 2005-
  • Honorary Professor, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004
  • Honorary Professor, Zhejiang University, Hongzhou, China, 2004
  • Academic Advisor to Crown Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn for the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Thailand, 2003-07
  • Honorary Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2003
  • Founder and Inaugural Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, 2000
  • Robert H. Thurston Lecture, ASME, November 18, 1998
  • Stichting World Biomechanics Foundation "Low-Lands" Biomechanica Award, the Netherlands, 1996  
  • HE Cabaud Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 1996
  • CS Neer Award for shoulder research, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, 1996
  • College of Fellows, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, Founding Member, Elected 1992
  • Giovani Borelli Award, American Society of Biomechanics, 1991
  • Best Journal Paper Award, Bioengineering Division, ASME, 1991
  • Fogarty Senior International Fellowship, 1987
  • HR Lissner Award for Contributions to Bioengineering, ASME, 1987
  • Honorary Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1987
  • Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship, 1986
  • Honorary Professor, Shanghai University, 1983
  • John A. Clark and Edward T. Crossan Professor of Engineering, 1982-1986
  • Melville Medal, Highest ASME honor for original paper, 1982
  • President, Orthopaedic Research Society, 1982-1983
  • William H. Wiley, Distinguished Faculty Award, RPI, 1981
  • Honorary Professor, Sichuan University, 1981
  • Kappa Delta Award, Best Research in Orthopaedics, AAOS, 1980
  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1979
  • NATO Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, 1978
  • Sigma Xi
  • Who's Who in America
  • Who's Who in Science and Engineering
  • American Men and Women in Science
  • Who's Who in Engineering
  • Who's Who in Technology Today
  • Who's Who in the World
  • Who’s Who in Medicine

Professional Committees and Activities

  • 2009 Co-Chair, National Academy of Engineering Florida Regional Meeting, April, 2009 
  • 2009- Member of BME Advisory Committee, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
  • 2008-10 Member, Med-X International Scientific Advisory Committee, Shanghai Jiao Tung University
  • 2007 Reviewer, Australian Academy of Sciences
  • 2007 FDA Continuing Education Lecture for Cartilage and Osteoarthritis
  • 2007-11 Advisory Board, World Association of Chinese Biomedical Engineers
  • 2007-10 Member, External Advisory Committee, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hong Kong University
  • 2007 Member, Round Table Discussion on Future Direction of NIAMS
  • 2006-07 Member, IOM Committee on NASA’s Space Flight Health Standards
  • 2006-07 Member, NRC Panel on Benchmarking the Research Competitiveness of the United States in Mechanical Engineering
  • 2006- Co-Chairman, Global Development Team, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
  • 2006- Chair, Advisory Committee for Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
  • 2006 Nominator for Medicine and Mathematics, The Shaw Foundation, Hong Kong
  • 2006- Member, ASME Robert H. Thurston Lecture Award Committee
  • 2006-07 Reviewer, National Screening Committee of the Institute of International Education, International Fulbright Science and Technology Award, United States Department of State
  • 2005-06 Benchmarking for Mechanical Engineering, National Research Council
  • 2005- Chairman, Advisory Committee, Research Centre for Musculoskeletal Bioengineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 2004 Nominator, The Heinz Prize, Heinz Family Foundation
  • 2004-06 Departmental Academic Advisor, Jocky Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 2003- Steering Committee of the World Association for Chinese Biomedical Engineers
  • 2002-06 Treasurer, World Committee on Biomechanics
  • 2003- Advisor to HRH Princess Sirindhorn for Biomedical Engineering in Thailand
  • 2002 President’s Advisory Committee for Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
  • 2002-05 Member, Committee on Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health, NASA
  • 2002-03 Member, Nominations Committee, National Academy of Engineering
  • 2002 Member, President’s Advisory Committee on Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
  • 2002-05 Member, Biomedical Engineering Committee, Academy of Radiology Research
  • 2001-08 Member, Standing Committee on Aerospace Medicine and Medicine of Extreme Environments (CAMMEE), IOM Advisory Committee for NASA
  • 2001-04 Member, Committee on Membership, National Academy of Engineering
  • 2000-03 Member, Russ Prize Committee, National Academy of Engineering
  • 2000-01 Chairman, National Academy of Engineering Mid Atlantic Regional Meeting, June, 2001
  • 2000-02 Member, International Steering Committee, 4th World Congress of Biomechanics 
  • 1999-05 Chairman, Advisory Committee, Division of Medical Engineering Research, National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
  • 1999 Member, Long-Range Planning Committee, NIAMS, July 1999
  • 1999 Moderator, Osteoarthritis Workshop, NIAMS, July 1999
  • 1999-01 Chair, Bioengineering Section, National Academy of Engineering
  • 1998-99 Member, Committee on Space Biology and Medicine, Space Studies Board of NASA, National Research   Council
  • 1998 Co-Chair, Mathematical Modeling Panel, NIH98 Bioengineering Symposium
  • 1997-00 Chair, Research Committee, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
  • 1997-99 Vice-Chair, Bioengineering Section, National Academy of Engineering
  • 1997-99 NRC Liaison Officer for Bioengineering, National Academy of Engineering
  • 1996-99 Peer Committee, Bioengineering Section, National Academy of Engineering
  • 1995 Chair, Site Visiting Committee, Musculoskeletal Research Center, University of Pittsburgh, November, 1995
  • 1995 Member, NIH Study Section for Osteoarthritis Research
  • 1995 Guest Reviewer, Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Research Award
  • 1994 Member, Biomedical Engineering Review Panel, National Science Foundation
  • 1994-06 Member, World Council for Biomechanics
  • 1993-96 Board of Directors, Biomedical Engineering Society
  • 1993-96 Hoar Research Fellowship Committee, New York Academy of Medicine
  • 1993-95 Member, Research Committee, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
  • 1992-96 Co-Chairman, Grants Review Committee, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
  • 1992-96 Member, Grants Board, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
  • 1991-94 Chairman, U.S. National Committee on Biomechanics
  • 1991 Member, NIA Special Study Section
  • 1991 Member, NIAMDS Special Study Section
  • 1990-94 Member, Program Committee, Second World Congress on Biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 1990-94 Member, International Steering Committee, Second World Congress on Biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 1990-91 Member, National Research Council Committee on Materials: Synthetic Hierarthical Structures
  • 1990 Chairman, NIH GMA-1 AHR-MA Special Study Section
  • 1989-90 Chairman, Symposium on Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints, First World Congress on Biomechanics
  • 1988-94 Member, Basic Science Committee, AAOS
  • 1988-91 Chair, Subcommittee for Government Relations, USNCB on  Biomechanics
  • 1988-91 Vice Chair, U.S. National Committee on BIomechanics
  • 1988-90 Member, Program Committee, First World Congress on Biomechanics
  • 1988 Chair, Panel Review Committee, BRAD Program, NSF
  • 1986-90 Member, International Steering Committee, First World Congress on Biomechanics
  • 1985-88 Secretary-Treasurer, U.S. National Committee on Biomechanics
  • 1985-92 Member, Research Grant Review Committee, OREF
  • 1984-85 Chair, Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1984 Chair, NIH Special Study Section on Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Systems
  • 1984-85 Member, NIH Workshop Committee on Osteoarthritis 
  • 1983 Member, Constitution Committee Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation 
  • 1982-84 Member, Executive Committee, Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical   Engineers
  • 1982-85  Member, Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure, RPI
  • 1982 Co-Chairman, Task Force on Documentation for the New NIH Institute on Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, and Skin Diseases, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • 1982-84 Member, Board of Directors, Orthopaedic Research Society
  • 1982  Chairman, By-laws Committee United States National Committee on Biomechanics
  • 1982-83 President, Orthopaedic Research Society
  • 1982-83  Secretary-Treasurer, Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1982-84 Chairman, Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Diseases Study Section, National Institutes of Health
  • 1981 Member, Steering Committee on Sport Injuries to Knee, National Institutes of Health
  • 1980-82 Member, Applied Physiology and Orthopaedic Study Section, National Institutes of Health
  • 1979 Group Leader, Orthopaedic Science and  Bioengineering Group, Visit to The People's Republic of China, August 17-31, 1979
  • 1979-80 Chairman, Program Committee, Bioengineering  Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1979-80 Chairman and Founder, First Gordon Research Conference on Bioengineering and Orthopaedic Science
  • 1978-79 President, American Association of University  Professors, RPI Chapter
  • 1978 Member, Executive Committee Orthopaedic Research Society
  • 1978 Chairman, Program Committee, Orthopaedic Research Society
  • 1978 Member, Scientific Program Committee American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • 1977-83 Member, Joint Bioengineering and Applied  Mechanics Committee on Biomechanics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1977 Member, Nominating Committee, American Society of Biomechanics
  • 1976-78 Member, Program Committee, Orthopaedic Research Society
  • 1974-80 Member, Research Council on Lubrication, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Lubrication of Biological Joints

professional societies 

  • American Academy of Mechanics
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Associate Member)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • American Association of University Professors (President, RPI Chapter)
  • American Physical Society: Fluid Dynamics Division; Biophysics Division
  • American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (Affiliate Member)
  • American Society of Biomechanics (Founding Member)
  • American Society of Engineering Educations
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Fellow)
  • Biomedical Engineering Society (Board of Director, 1993-1997)
  • Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic Society
  • International Society of Biorheology
  • International Cartilage Repair Society
  • New York Academy of Medicine (Fellow)
  • Orthopaedic Research Society (President, 1982)
  • Osteoarthritis Research Society International


  • 2009- Advisory Committee for Biomedical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2009- External Examiner of Medical Engineering, BEng Program 
  • 2003 University of Virgina, Orthopaedic Surgery
  • 2002 Carniegie Mellon University
  • 1998 Johnson & Johnson PI
  • 1996-99 Shriner's Hospital Medical Center, Springfield, MA
  • 1996 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh
  • 1995-97 Alza Corporation, Palo Alto, California
  • 1994-99 International Board of References, Interdisciplinary Centre for Musculoskeletal Bioengineering and Rehabilitation, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 1978-82 Biomechanics Unit, Helen Hayes Hospital, Haverstraw, New York
  • 1978-83  Biomedical Sciences Group, General Motors Research Laboratory, Warren, Michigan
  • 1974-81 Harvard Medical School, Skeletal Research Laboratory, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston
  • 1973-76 Touro Research Institute, New Orleans
  • 1966-67 Mechanical Technology Incorporated, Latham, NY

major and honorary invited lectures

  • Keynote Speaker on Engineering Models and Innovations in Health Care; First National Academy of Engineering-Institute of Medicine Combined Regional Meeting, University of Miami, November 25, 2010 
  • Distinguished Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Miami, March 24, 2010
  • William Mong Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering, Hong Kong University, November 23, 2009
  • Opening Ceremony Lecture, OARSI Congress, Rome, Italy, September 18, 2008
  • Honorary Lecture, Functional Tissue Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tung University, October 23, 2007
  • Colloquium Lecture, On the State of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University, October 10, 2007
  • Honorary Lecture, Workshop on Tissue Biomecanics, Tsinghua University, October 9, 2007
  • Colloquium Lecture, On the Establishment of a Biomedical Engineering Department, Hong Kong University, October 5, 2007
  • Plenary Keynote Lecturer:  Cartilage and Osteoarthritis: Biomechanics and Ultrasound, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, New York, October 29, 2007
  • Faculty of Engineering Distinguished Lectuer, Hong Kong University, October 5, 2007
  • Distinguished Lecturer in Biomechanical Engineering, Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics of Articular Cartilage, Stanford University, June 4-5, 2007
  • Hunter Distinguished Scientist Lecture, Molecular and Cellular Basis for Cartilage Functional Tissue Engineering—Role of Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering Department, Clemson University, April 5, 2007
  • Distinguished Lecturer, Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Virginia, November 3, 2006
  • Keynote Lecturer:  Functional Tissue Engineering – The Articular Cartilage Paradigm, Annual IEEE EMB Conference, New York, NY, August 31, 2006
  • Keynote Lecturer:  Structure and Function of Normal and OA Articular Cartilage, 53rd Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO, June 2, 2006
  • Clarence Davies Medal Lecture, From Immigrant to Bioengineer: Tales from Two Cultures—China to United States and Aeronautical Engineering to Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 7, 2006
  • Gurley Lecture in Mechanics: Constitutive Modeling of Biological Tissues as a Soft, Charged, Hydrated, Fiber-Reimforced Material -- Implications for Tissue Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 7, 2006
  • Plenary Honorary Lecturer: Biomedical Engineering for the Year 2020: What Do We See?  A New Discipline for the Twenty First Century, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Symposium on Technology Transfer, Bangkok, Thailand, December 16, 2005
  • Keynote Lecturer: The Origin of Residual Stress and Curling Behavior of Biological Tissues: Physiological and Medical Implicatons. First U.S. - Thailand Biomedical Engineering Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, December 14, 2005
  • Honorary Lecturer: Biomedical Engineering for the Year 2020: What Do We See?  A New Discipline for the Twenty First Century, First U.S. - Thailand Biomedical Engineering Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, December 12, 2005
  • Plenary Lecturer: The Origin of Residual Stress and Curling Behavior of Biological Tissues: Physiological and Medical Implicatons.  30th International Conference on Computatial and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, IIT Chennai, India, December 1, 2005
  • Keynote Lecturer: Animal Joint Lubrication: Nature's "Fail-Safe" Mechanisms and What Happens when it Fails, 3rd World Congress on Tribology, Washington DC, September 14 & 15, 2005
  • Plenary Honorary Lecture, How to Succeed in America as a Chinese Researcher, ICHTS, February 20, 2005, Washington DC
  • Keynote Lecturer, U.S. National Science Foundation Sino-American Multi-Sited Biomedical Engineering Symposium, “Influence of Tension-Compression Nonlinearity on the Mechano-Electrochemical Environment of Chondrocytes in Cartilage Explants under Unconfined Compression”, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, July 15, 2004
  • Keynote Lecturer, U.S. National Science Foundation Sino-American Multi-Sited Biomedical Engineering Symposium, “Indentation Determined Mechano-electrochemical properties and fixed charge density of articular   cartilage”,    Shanghai Jiao Tung University, July 7, 2004
  • Zhu Kezhen Memorial Lecture, “Rigorous Engineering Analysis of Human Joint Function and Etiology of Osteoarthritis”, Zhejiang University, China, July 5, 2004
  • Invited Lecture, National Academy of Engineering, National Meeting, Irvine, California, February 12, 2004
  • Army Research Office Conference on Mechanics and Chemistry of Biosystems, Irvine California, February 10, 2004
  • Plenary Lecture, Biomechanics and Disease Mechanism, World Congress on OsteoArthritis, Berlin, Germany, October 12, 2003
  • Keynote Lecture, 2nd National Science Education Seminar, for the Commemoration of Her Royal Highness, Crowned Princess Sirindhorn 48th Birthday and the 60th Anniversary of Kasetsart University, September 5, 2003, Thailand
  • Keynote Lecturer, Life Sciences Consortium's Colloquium Series, Functional Tissuee Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, March 4, 2003
  • Keynote Lecturer:  Role of Biomechanics on Functional Tissue Engineering, First Congress of Chinese Biomechanics, Taipei, December 11, 2002
  • Kroc Foundation Distinguished Lecturer on Osteoarthritis and Tissue Engineering, University of Miami, November 7&8, 2002 
  • Visiting Professorship, Univesity of Pittsburgh, June 3, 2002
  • Keynote Lecture, Croucher Advanced Studies Institute, Hong Kong, April 13, 2000
  • Southwest Mechanics Lecture Series, March 26-31, 2000
  • AC Suhren Jr. Lecture, Tulane University, March 30, 2000
  • Sprint Distinguished Lecturer, Steadman-Hawkins Sports Medicine Foundation,Vail, Colorado, March 2 & 6, 2000
  • Keynote Lecture, YC Fung 80th Birthday Symposium, ASME Bioengineering Conference, June 16,   1999
  • Plenary Lecture, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, June 19, 1998.
  • Lord Kelvin Lecture, University of Texas, Austin, April 9, 1998
  • Keynote Lecture, JSME Centennial Grand Congress, Tokyo, Japan, July 20, 1997
  • Caterpillar Distinguished Lecturer, University of Iowa, May 7, 1997
  • Stichting World Biomechanics Award Lecture, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 11, 1996
  • Paul M. Chung Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Illinois, Chicago, October 16, 1996
  • Plenary Lecture, Mechanics & Materials Summer Conference, ASME, June 18, 1996
  • Ray and Robert Kroc Foundation Lectureship on Arthritis, University of Miami, April 24, 1996
  • Plenary Lecture, First Asian Shoulder Society Meeting, Taipei, April 25, 1994
  • Keynote Lecture, 20th Symposium of European Society for Osteoarthrology, Bari, Italy, October 20, 1994
  • Keynote Lecture, 2nd World Congress on Biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 12, 1994
  • Presidential Guest Lecture, 8th Japanese Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Matsumoto, Japan, October 24, 1993
  • Keynote Lecture, The Whitaker Foundation, Salt Lake City, July 25, 1993
  • Keynote Lecture, 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, December, 1992
  • Presidential Guest Lecture, Arthroscopy Association of Republic of China, Taiwan, April 17, 1992
  • Presidential Guest Lecture, European Society of Biomechanics, Rome, June 12, 1992
  • Keynote Lecture, Third USA-China-Japan Conference on Biomechanics, Georgia Institute of Technology, August 21, 1991
  • Borelli Lecture, American Society of Biomechanics, October 14, 1991
  • Keynote Lecture, Swiss Connective Tissue Research Society, Basal, Switzerland, September 16, 1990
  • Kroc Foundation Lectureship on Arthritis, University of Miami, April 21, 1990
  • Alza Distinguish Lectureship, Biomedical Engineering Society, October 18, 1987
  • Keynote Lecture, XVth Symposium of European Society of Osteoarthrology, Finland, June 20, 1986
  • Keynote Lecture, European Society of Biomechanics, Nijmegan, January 22, 1982
  • Keynote Lecture, American Society of Biomechanics, Seattle, October 14, 1982
  • Keynote Lecture, British Connective Tissue Society, Southampton, England,  September 27, 1982
  • Keynote Lecture, First National Meeting on Biomechanics, Shanghai, People's Republic of China, August 12, 1981
  • Keynote Lecture, 1979 Biomechanics Symposium, ASME, June 21, 1979


  • 1962: B.A.E., Aeronautical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 1966: Ph.D., Applied Mechanics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 1967-68: Postdoctoral, Applied Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University


  • 2002-06 Principal Investigator, Whitaker Foundation Biomedical Engineering Special Award:  Leadership in Biomedical Engineering Through Cellular and Tissue Engineering, Biomedical Imaging and Biomchanics
  • 2003-05 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, U.S. - China Multi-Institutional Symposium on Biomedical Engineering
  • 1999-03 Principal Investigator, Whitaker Foundation Biomedical Engineering Development Award: Bridging Engineering, Medicine and Biology with an Emphasis on Biomedical Imaging
  • 1996-99 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health, Biomechanical Factors in OA of the Glenohumeral Joint.
  • 1996-98 Principal Investigator, Whitaker Special Opportunity Award, Tissue Biomechanics and Biochemistry: A Theme for the Development of a Biomedical Engineering Department at Columbia University
  • 1994-02 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health, Etiology of Osteoarthritis of the Carpometacarpal Joint
  • 1993-97 Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Understanding Human Joint Mechanics through Advanced Computational Models, Columbia University/RPI Collaborative Project
  • 1993-00 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health, Mechano-Electrochemical Properties of Cartilage
  • 1990-94 Principal Investigator, Bristol-Myers/Zimmer Grant for Excellence in Orthopaedic Research: Fundamental and Clinical Interdisciplinary Research on Diarthrodial Joints -- Hand, Knee and Shoulder
  • 1989-92 Co-Principal Investigator, St. Giles Foundation, The Growth Plate in Pediatric Orthopaedics: A Biomechanical and Biochemical In Vitro Study
  • 1989-91 Senior Investigator, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation, Biomechanics of the Shoulder, EL Flatow, PI
  • 1988-92 Co-Principal Investigator, Syntex Laboratories, Inc., Studies on the Effects of Naproxen on Normal and Pond-Nuki OA Articular Cartilage Metabolism, Biochemistry and Biomechanics
  • 1988-91 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health, Biomechanics of Normal Bovine and Human Meniscus, Columbia University/RPI Collaborative Project
  • 1987-89 Senior Investigator, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Grant, Correlates of Healing Cartilage Mechanical Properties, Biochemical Composition, MP Rosenwasser, PI
  • 1987-91 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant, Mechanics and Chemistry of Cartilage from Animal Models of OA and Joint Disuse, Columbia University/University of Miami Collaborative Project
  • 1986-89 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, Fundamental and Applied Research on Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints, Columbia University/RPI Collaborative Project
  • 1985-90 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant, Structure and Biorheology of Cartilage Proteoglycans, RPI/Montefiore Hospital Medical Center/Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology (London) Collaborative Project
  • 1984-87 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant, Biomechanics of Normal and Osteoarthritic Human Cartilage, RPI/University of Miami Medical School Collaborative Project
  • 1983-86 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant, Mechanics and Chemistry of Cartilage, RPI/Harvard Medical School Collaborative Project 
  • 1983-86 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints
  • 1982-86  Principal Investigator, Surdna Foundation Endowment Fund on the Development of Biomechanics Research at RPI
  • 1982 Principal Investigator, Biomedical Research Support Grant, The Acquisition of a Sensitive, Stable,   Servo-Controlled Mechanical Testing Device for Tissue Properties
  • 1981-84 Principal Investigator, The Kroc Foundation, Structure and  Function of Proteoglycans in Normal and Osteoarthritic Cartilage
  • 1981-84 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant, Biomechanics of Normal and Osteoarthritic Human Cartilage, RPI/Harvard Medical School Collaborative Project
  • 1980 Principal Investigator, Biomedical Research Support Grant, The Acquisition of MINC 11/03 Laboratory Instrument Control, Data Acquisition and Data Analysis System
  • 1980-83 Co-principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints
  • 1980-82 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant, Mechanics, Electromechanics and Chemistry of Cartilage, Tri-Institutional Grant: RPI/Harvard Medical School/MIT
  • 1978-80 Principal Investigator, General Motors Grant, Characterization of Impact Induced Microtrauma on Articular Cartilage
  • 1977  Principal Investigator, Biomedical Research Support Grant, The Video Dimensional Analyzer for Tissue Mechanics Studies
  • 1977-80  Co-principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, Biorheological Characterization of Articular Cartilage and Synovial Fluid
  • 1976-81 Principal Investigator, National Institutes of Health Grant, Biomechanics of Aging and Osteoarthritic Cartilage
  • 1975-78  Co-principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, Biomechanics of Normal and Pathological Synovial Joints
  • 1974-76 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, Biomechanics of Normal and Pathological Cartilage
  • 1971-74 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Grant, Biomechanics of Synovial Joints


  • 2008-13 Member, Editorial Board, Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering
  • 2007-  Chair, Editorial Advisory Board, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, Springer Publishers
  • 2005- Editorial Advisory Board, J Biomechanics
  • 2004-06 Editorial Board, Mechanics and Chemistry of Biosystems
  • 2001-07 Co-Editor/Associate Editor, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, W.B. Saunders
  • 1999 Special Volume of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, edited by VC Mow and SLY Woo
  • 1996- Editorial Board, Journal of Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic Research
  • 1996-00 Editorial Board, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, W.B. Saunders
  • 1994-00 Advisory Editorial Board, Spine
  • 1993-04 Board of Advisory Editors, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
  • 1993 Special Volume of Journal of Biomechanical Engineering for the 20th Anniversary ASME Biomechanics Symposium, edited by VC Mow, SLY Woo and RM Nerem
  • 1986- Consulting Editor, Springer-Verlag Series in Mechanical Engineering
  • 1985-92 Honorary Editor, Chinese Journal of Biomechanics, Shanghai
  • 1984-88 Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Orthopaedic Research
  • 1982 Co-Founder, Journal of Orthopaedic Research  
  • 1981-05 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Biomechanics
  • 1981- Member, Board of Associate Editors, Journal of Orthopaedic Research
  • 1980 Editor, 1980 Advances in Bioengineering, ASME
  • 1979-86 Associate Editor, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Trans ASME
  • 1977-81 Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery



  • Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints, I. eds VC Mow, A Ratcliffe, SLY Woo, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 451, 1990.
  • Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints, II. eds VC Mow, A Ratcliffe, SLY Woo, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 464, 1990.
  • Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics. eds VC Mow, WC Hayes, Raven Press, New York, pp 453, 1991.
  • Knee Meniscus: Basic and Clinical Foundations. eds VC Mow, SP Arnoczky and DW Jackson, Raven Press, New York, pp 190, 1992.
  • Cell Mechanics and Cellular Engineering, eds VC Mow, F Guilak, R Tran-Son-Tay, RM Hochmuth, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 564, 1994.
  • Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics, 2nd Edition, eds VC Mow, WC Hayes, Lippincott-Raven Press, Philadelphia, pp 514, 1997.
  • Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanisc and Mechanobiology, 3rd Edition, eds VC Mow, HWJ Huiskes, Lippincott-Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2004