
名家论坛——Spatio-temporal Imaging of Brain Activity



报告题目:Spatio-temporal Imaging of Brain Activity

报 告 人:Bin He, PhD, Fellow IEEE, Fellow AIMBE

地    点:逸夫科学馆416会议室

时    间:2010年4月19日,10:00

    报告人简介:贺斌教授现任IEEE-EMBS主席,曾担任国际功能源成像学会主席、世界生物电磁学会主席,是明尼苏达大学生物医学功能成像和神经工程实验室主任。贺斌教授多年来一直从事生物电系统(脑电及心电)、功能成像等方面的研究,做出了卓越的贡献,在国际上取得了该领域专家的高度认可,被国际学术界公认为“神经工程(Neural Engineering )”奠基人之一。因其突出贡献,被全美资助生物医学工程研究的首要机构——Whitaker基金会表彰为具有“优异的科学高产率和创造力”的专家。


    Over the past decade, functional neuroimaging has emerged as an important interdisciplinary research area. This has been in particular promoted by the development of functional MRI and the significant advancement in electrophysiological neuroimaging using EEG/MEG. We will review the advancement in electrophysiological neuroimaging integrating EEG with structure MRI, and show that it has become an important functional neuroimaging approach for neuroscience research and aiding presurgical planning in epilepsy. We will also review multimodal functional neuroimaging integrating electrophysiological and hemodynamic measurements to significantly enhance the spatio-temporal resolution of imaging brain activity. Our recent work indicates that, the BOLD fMRI and electrophysiological data can be integrated in a principled way, leading to high resolution spatio-temporal functional imaging of the dynamic brain activation. We will also review the investigation of co-localization of hemodynamic and electrophysiological signals associated with motor imagery using BOLD fMRI and electrophysiological neuroimaging.