


1991-1996        天津医科大学医疗系,临床医学                                     医学学士学位

1996-2001        中国协和医科大学,皮肤与性病学                                 医学博士学位


2001-2004        北京航空航天大学,生物工程系                                     讲师

2004-2008        北京航空航天大学,生物工程系                                     副教授、副主任

2005-2006        德国柏林自由大学&洪堡大学Charité医学院              访问学者        

2008-2010        北京航空航天大学,生物与医学工程学院                   副教授、副院长

2010                   Charité医科大学,柏林空天医学中心                           访问学者

2010-2012        北京航空航天大学,生物与医学工程学院                   教授、副院长

2015                   德州大学圣安东尼奥分校                                                   访问学者

2016                   Charité医科大学,柏林空天医学中心                           高级访问学者

2017                   英国伦敦大学学院                                                                  高级访问学者

2012-现在        北京航空航天大学,生物与医学工程学院                   教授、博导



1991-1996        B.M.                                                                  School of Astronautics, Beihang University

1996-2001        Ph. D. & M.D.                                                 Dermatology, Peking Union Medical College

Professional Experience:

2001-2004        Lecturer                                                           Bioengineering Department, Beihang University

2004-2008        Associate Professor & Vice Director        Bioengineering Department, Beihang University

2005-2006        Visiting Scholar                                              Charité College of Medicine, Humboldt University & Free University

of Berlin, Germany

2008-2010        Associate Professor & Vice Dean              School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang


2010                       Visiting Scholar                                              Berlin space medical center, Charité Medical University

2010-2012        Professor & Vice Dean                                 School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang


2015                       Visiting Scholar                                              The University of Texas at San Antonio  

2016                       Senior Visiting Scholar                                 Berlin space medical center, Charité Medical University

2017                       Senior Visiting Scholar                                 University College London

2012-present   Professor & doctoral supervisor                School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang   




1.       航空航天生物医学工程

2.       空间生命科学

3.       生物力学与力生物学

Research Interests

1.       Aviation and Space Biomedical Engineering

2.       Space Life Science

3.       Biomechanics and Mechanobiology



1. 中国空间科学学会空间生命专业委员会副主任委员

2. 中国空间科学学会理事

3. 全国空间科学及应用标准化技术委员会(生命交叉科学)标准化工作组成员


近五年主要论著(Recent Publications Selected:

[1]      Li-Jin Liu, Yu-Bo Fan, Shou-Hui Wang, Xin-Tong Wu, Xiao Yang*, Lian-Wen Sun*. Enhanced osteogenic potential of periosteal stem cells maintained cortical bone relatively stable under microgravity. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 205: 163-171.

[2]      Fei-Xiang Lu, Shou-Hui Wang, Xing-Tong Wu, Xiao Yang, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Yo Fan*, Role of myofascia in the recovery of bone loss after reloading in tail-suspended rats, Acta Astronautica, 2023, 208: 49-54.

[3]      Cong-Jin Liu, Xiao Yang*, Yan Mao, Xiao-Xue Zhang, Xin-Tong Wu, Shou-Hui Wang, Yu-Bo Fan, Lian-Wen Sun*. The alteration of advanced glycation end products and its potential role on bone loss under microgravity, Acta Astronautica, 2023, 206: 114-122. 

[4]      Cong-Jin Liu, Xiao Yang*, Shou-Hui Wang, Xin-Tong Wu, Yan Mao, Jing-Wen Shi, Yu-Bo Fan, Lian-Wen Sun*. Preventing Disused Bone Loss Through Inhibition of Advanced Glycation End Products, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(5): 4953.  

[5]      Li-Jin Liu, Yu-Bo Fan, Xin-Tong Wu, Xiao Yang*, Lian-Wen Sun*. Comparison of stem cell characteristics between perichondral-derived stem cells and periosteal stem cells in postnatal rats. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 2023, 18: 100238.

[6]      Zhuang Han, Lian-Wen Sun, Xiao Yang, Xin-Tong Wu*, Yu-Bo Fan*. A hierarchical 3d finite element model of osteocyte: the spectrin membrane skeleton in mechanical transmission. Journal of Computational Science, 2023, 67: 101947.

[7]      Yu-Hao Tong, Xiao Yang, Xin-Tong Wu, Shou-Hui Wang, Li-Jin Liu, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan*. The effect of periodic stretching on countering bone loss in hindlimb unloading rat, Acta Astronautica, 2022,190: 202-207.

[8]      Li-Jin Liu, Shuang Li, Xin-Tong Wu, Xiao Yang*, Lian-Wen Sun*. Contribution of endoplasmic reticulum stress response to the mechanosensitivity alteration in osteocytes under simulated microgravity, Acta Astronautica, 2022, 191: 522-527.

[9]      Xin-Tong Wu, Xiao Yang, Ran Tian, Ying-Hui Li, Chun-Yan Wang, Yu-Bo Fan*Lian-Wen Sun*. Review: Cells Respond to Space Microgravity through Cytoskeleton Reorganization. The FASEB J. 2022, 36(2): e22114.

[10]   Shou-Hui Wang, Xiao Yang, Zhuang Han, Xin-Tong Wu, Yu-Bo Fan*, Lian-Wen Sun*. Changes of cortical bone pores structure and their effects on mechanical properties in tail-suspended rats. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 2022, 16: 100175.

[11]   Zhuang Han, Lian-Wen Sun, Xin-Tong Wu, Xiao Yang*, Yu-Bo Fan*. Nonlinear dynamics of membrane skeleton in osteocyte. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2022, 26(3): 1-12.

[12]   RunYu Cao, Wen Xiao, Feng Pan, Ran Tian, Xin-Tong Wu*, Lian-Wen Sun*. Displacement and strain mapping for osteocytes under fluid shear stress using digital holographic microscopy and digital image correlation. Biomedical Optics Express. 2021, 12(4): 1922-33.

[13]   Shou-Hui Wang, Xiao Yang, Dong Ding, Xin-Tong Wu, Zhuang Han, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan*.The changes of bone vessels and their role in bone loss in tail-suspended rats. Acta Astronautica, 2021, 189: 368–378.

[14]   Xiao Yang, Cong-Jin Liu, Zhen-Zhen Wang, Dong Ding, Jing-Wen Shi, Xin-Tong Wu, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-bo Fan*. Effects of advanced glycation end products on osteocytes mechanosensitivity, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2021, 568: 151-157.

[15]   Dong Ding, Xiao Yang, Hui-Qin Luan, Xin-Tong Wu, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan*. The microgravity induces the ciliary shortening and an increased ratio of anterograde/retrograde intraflagellar transport of osteocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020, 530: 167-172.

[16]   Dong Ding, Xiao Yang, Hui-Qin Luan, Xin-Tong Wu, Cai He, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan*. Pharmacological Regulation of Primary Cilium Formation Affects the Mechanosensitivity of Osteocytes. Calcified Tissue International, 2020: 1-11.

[17]   Dietter Blottner*, Yun-Fei Huang, Gabor Trautmann, Lian-Wen Sun*. The fascia: Continuum linking bone and myofascial bag for global and local body movement control on Earth and in Space. A scoping review. REACH - Reviews in Human Space Exploration, 2019, 14-15: 100030.

[18]   Wen Xiao, Qixiang Wang, Feng Pan, Runyu Cao, Xin-Tong Wu, Lian-Wen Sun*. Adaptive frequency filtering based on convolutional neural networks in off-axis digital holographic microscopy. Biomedical Optical Express. 2019, 10(4): 1613-1626.

[19]   Xin-Tong Wu, Wen Xiao, Runyu Cao, Xiao Yang, Feng Pan, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan*. Spontaneous cellular vibratory motions of osteocytes are regulated by ATP and spectrin network. Bone, 2019, 128: 112056.

[20]   Shou-Hui Wang, Wenting Li, Xiao Yang, Yun-Fei Huang, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan. Musculoskeletal alterations of hindlimb during simulated microgravity and reloading in rats: compared by gender. Microgravity Science and Technology. 2019, 31(4): 347-355. 

[21]   Dong Ding, Xiao Yang, Hui-Qin Luan, Xin-Tong Wu, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan*. The microgravity induces the ciliary shortening and an increased ratio of anterograde/retrograde intraflagellar transport of osteocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020, 530: 167-172.

[22]   Shou-Hui Wang, Xiao Yang, Min Wang, Yun-Fei Huang, Dieter Blottner, Lian-Wen Sun*, Yu-Bo Fan*. The role of body fluid shifts on hindlimb bone loss in tail suspended rats using a novel body fluid alteration device. Acta Astronautica. 2019, 159:1-7.

[23]   Yun-Fei Huang, Hui-Qin Luan, Lian-Wen Sun*, Shou-Hui Wang, Yu-Bo Fan*. Increased Blood Flow by Unilateral Intermittent Compression on Hindlimbs May Prevent Bone Loss. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2018, 30: 987-993.

[24]   Lian-Wen Sun, Shuang Li, Xiao Yang, Fang Pu, Hongyu Qi*, Yu-Bo Fan*. Contribution of bone micromechanical behavior beyond lamellar length scale to the macroscopic bone quality of hind limb unloading rats. Acta Astronautica. 2018, 152: 468–473.

[25]   Yun-Fei Huang, Yu-Bo Fan, Michele Salanova, Xiao Yang, Lian-Wen Sun*, Dieter Blottner. Effects of Plantar Vibration on Bone and Deep Fascia in a Rat Hindlimb Unloading Model of Disuse. Frontiers in Physiology, 2018, 9: 616.

[26]   Xiao Yang, Lian-Wen Sun*, Chengfei Du, Xin-Tong Wu, Yu-Bo Fan*. Finite element analysis of osteocytes mechanosensitivity under simulated microgravity, Microgravity Science and Technology, 2018, 30: 469-481.

[27]   Runyu Cao, Wen Xiao, Xin-Tong Wu, Lian-Wen Sun*, Feng Pan*. Quantitative observations on cytoskeleton changes of osteocytes at different cell parts using digital holographic microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express 2018, 9(1): 72-85.


[1]      Xiao Yang, Lian-Wen Sun, Xiaodu Wang*. A Closer Look at Glycation: A Potential Hotspot for Age-Related Complications and Diseases (Chapter 5: Effects of Advanced Glycation End Products (Ages) on Bone Biomechanics and Remodeling). Nova Science Publishers. 2021.3.4. ISBN: 978-1-53619-176-9.

[2]      孙联文,杨肖,吴欣童。细胞力学及力学生物学(译著,原著 Introduction to cell mechanics and mechanobiology.,科学出版社。2023. 2. ISBN: 978-7-03-074583-5.



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