


2003-2011:北京大学 临床医学(八年制本博连读)  临床医学学士、临床医学博士

2011-2013:首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院         眼科医师

2013-今:  北京航空航天大学生物与医学工程学院   讲师、副教授,硕导、博导

2016-2017:美国杜克大学生物医学工程系           访问学者


Education & Professional Experience:

2003-2011    M.B. to M.D.     Peking University, Clinical Medicine8-year program

2011-2013    Resident         Department of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital

2013-Present  Assistant Professor, Associate professor, Master Supervisor, Doctoral Supervisor

aSchool of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University

2016-2017    Visiting Scholar   Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University



1.     医用生物力学与力学生物学

2.     再生医学与组织工程

3.     基础医学


Research Interests:

1.     Medical Biomechanics & Mechanobiology

2.     Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering

3.     Basic Medicine





主要论著(Recent Publications:

[1]     Long Li, Jing Ji*, Fan Song, Jinglei Hu*. Intercellular receptor-ligand binding: effect of protein-membrane interaction. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2023, 435(1):167787.

[2]     Ruotian Du, Long Li*, Jing Ji*, Yubo Fan. Receptor–ligand nindingeffect of mechanical factors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(10):9062.

[3]     Ruotian Du, Dongyan Li, Meng Zhu, Lisha Zheng, Keli Ren, Dong Han, Long Li*, Jing Ji*, Yubo Fan*. Cell senescence alters responses of porcine trabecular meshwork cells to shear stress. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2022,10:1083130.

[4]     Ruotian Du, Dongyan Li, Yan Huang, Hui Xiao, Jindong Xue, Jing Ji*, Yun Feng*, Yubo Fan*. Effect of mechanical stretching and substrate stiffness on the morphology, cytoskeleton and nuclear shape of corneal endothelial cells. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 2022, 16:100180.

[5]     Long Li, Jinglei Hu*, Bartosz Rozycki*, Jing Ji*, Fan Song. Interplay of receptor-ligand binding and lipid domain formation during cell adhesion. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2022,9:1019477.

[6]     Jingchao Wang, Hongpeng Zhang, Jing Ji, Lixuan Wang, Wenxin Lv, Yuan He, Xuan Li, Guangyu Feng, Kinon Chen*. A histological study of atherosclerotic characteristics in age-related macular degeneration. 2022,8(3):e08973.

[7]     Shaozhen Lin, Yue Li, Jing Ji, Bo Li*, Xiqiao Feng. Collective dynamics of coherent motile cells on curved surfaces. Soft Matter, 2020,16(12):2941-2952.

[8]     Yan Huang*, Jing Ji, Xili Ding, Xiaoming Li. The potential tissues and their properties. Tissue Repair: Reinforced Scaffolds. 2017:179-223.

[9]     Meng Gao, Shen Wu, Jing Ji, Jingxue Zhang, Qian Liu, Yankun Yue, Lu Liu, Xinxin Liu, Wu Liu*. The influence of actin depolymerization induced by cytochalasin D and mechanical stretch on interleukin-8 expression and JNK phosphorylation levels in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. BMC Ophthalmology, 2017,17:43.

[10]  Xiaoyu Liu, Lizhen Wang, Jing Ji, Yubo Fan*. The protective effect of the eyelid on ocular injuries in blunt trauma. IFMBE Proceedings, 2015,51:338-341.

[11]  Xiaoyu Liu, Lizhen Wang, Jing Ji, Wei Yao, Wei Wei, Jie Fan, Shailesh Joshi, Deyu Li, Yubo Fan*. A mechanical model of the cornea considering the crimping morphology of collagen fibrils. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2014,55(4):2739-2746.

[12]  Jing Ji, Ziyuan Liu, Jing Zhang, Xuemin Li, Wei Wang*. Biomechanical investigation on host response of acellular dermal matrix in lamellar corneal transplantation. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2014,46(1):145-154.

[13]  Ziyuan Liu, Jing Ji, Jing Zhang, Chen Huang, Zhaojun Meng, Weiqiang Qiu, Xuemin Li, Wei Wang*. Corneal reinforcement using an acellular dermal matrix for an analysis of biocompatibility, mechanical properties, and transparency. Acta Biomaterialia, 2012,8(9): 3326-3332.

[14]  李冬妍,汲婧*,樊瑜波*. 小梁网弹性变化与青光眼发病的关系. 医用生物力学,2022,37(6):1171-1176.

[15]  付一凡,汲婧*. 咽鼓管功能障碍疾病模型研究进展. 中华耳科学杂志, 2022,20(4):814-818.

[16]  齐森,汲婧*. 眼细胞的力生物学研究进展. 国际眼科纵览,2017,41(5):305-311.