

    郑诚功,美国爱荷华大学生物医学及结构工程理学博士(1986)、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学康复医学院博士后(1988)。1988年获聘台湾大学医学院副教授,1997年任台湾阳明大学教授,同年任台湾阳明大学医学工程研究所所长。曾任台湾阳明大学人工关节研发中心主任、阳明大学研究发展处研发长、研究总中心主任,阳明大学生物医学暨工程学院医学工程研究所特聘讲座教授、博士生导师。曾任台湾生物力学学会理事长、台湾生物医学工程学会常务理事兼副理事长,台湾骨科研究学会理事长,及台湾骨科器材发展协会理事长。在国际学会上也担任华裔骨科学会会长,世界生物力学学会理事, 世界华人生物医学工程学会常务理事, 世界华人骨研学会理事。还担任国际著名学术期刊SPINE,J. Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research,Medical Engineering and Physics ,J. Musculoskeletal Research,Clinical Biomechanics,医用生物力学,中华创伤骨科杂志,中华关节外科杂志,中华外科杂志等的主编、副主编或编委。

    郑诚功教授在骨科生物力学及骨科植入物领域有超过30年的研究经历,其中有一部分是开创性和奠基性的工作,这些工作成果取得了学术界公认的成就,在国际上具有很大的影响。自1993年以来指导博士后、博士、硕士100余人。主持完成了60余项台湾国科会、经济部、内政部、及卫生署的项目。2018年当选美国生物医学工程学会会士, 2016年获中华医学会骨科分会“海外杰出贡献奖”,2016年获美国爱荷华大学工程学院“工程杰出校友奖”,2010年获台湾行政院颁发的“杰出科技贡献奖”,2009年获台湾中国工程师学会颁发的“杰出工程教授奖”。曾经连续多次获得国科会工程处医工学门杰出奖。自从事研究起,在国际期刊发表论文共235篇,编写生物力学以及骨科医学等书籍共13部,在国际会议发表演讲及受邀演讲超过250次,获得国际专利63项,拥有2项美国FDA 510K通过的骨科产品和超过2000例骨科取出物数据。



1.         医学工程

2.         骨科生物力学

3.         骨科器材研发

4.         科技辅具



1.  Chang CK, Lin YY, Wong PC, Kao HC, Chen HY, Lee SH,Cheng CK. (2018). Improve elderly people's sit-to-stand ability by using new designed additional armrests attaching on the standard walker. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 81(1), 81-86.

2.  Yao KT, Chen CS, Cheng CK., Fang HW, Huang CH, Kao HC, & Hsu ML.(2018). Optimization of the Conical Angle Design in Conical Implant–Abutment Connections: A Pilot Study Based on the Finite Element Method.Journal of Oral Implantology, 44(1), 26-35.

3.  Wang Y, Li Z, Wong D W C, Cheng CK & Zhang M. (2017). Finite element analysis of biomechanical effects of total ankle arthroplasty on the foot. Journal of Orthopaedic Translation.

4.  Chang CM, Lai YS, Cheng CK. (2017) "Effect of different inner core diameters on structural strength of cannulated pedicle screws under various lumbar spine movements." BioMedical Engineering OnLine.16(1):105.

5.  Chen CY, Huang SW, Sun JS, Lin SY, Yu CS, Pan HP, Lin PH, Hsieh FC, Tsuang YH, Lin FH, Yang RS, Cheng CK. (2017) "Wing-augmentation reduces femoral head cutting out of dynamic hip screw." Medical Engineering & Physics. 44:73-78.

6.  Chen HC, Wu JL, Huang SC, Zhong ZC, Chiu SL, Lai YS, Cheng CK. (2017) "Biomechanical evaluation of a novel pedicle screw-based interspinous spacer: A finite element analysis." Medical Engineering & Physics. 46:27-32.

7.  Weng PW, Chen CH, Luo CA, Sun JS, Tsuang YH, Cheng CK, Lin SC. (2017) "The effects of tibia profile, distraction angle, and knee load on wedge instability and hinge fracture: A finite element study." Medical Engineering & Physics. 42:48-54.

8.  Yang JC, Chen HC, Lai YS, Cheng CK. (2017) "Measurement of Tip Apex Distance and Migration of Lag Screws and Novel Blade Screw Used for the Fixation of Intertrochanteric Fractures." PLoS One. 12 (1):e0170048.

9.  Wong PC, Tsai PH, Li TH, Cheng CK, Jang JSC, Huang JC. (2017) "Degradation behavior and mechanical strength of Mg-Zn-Ca bulk metallic glass composites with Ti particles as biodegradable materials." Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 699:914-920.

10. Liu H W, Ni M, Zhang G Q,Li X,Chen H,Zhang Q,Chai W,Zhou YG,Chen JY,Liu YL,Cheng CK,Wang Y.(2016)"Kinematic analysis of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in total knee arthroplasty." American Journal of Translational Research ,8(5):2275-2283.

11. 王梁,张睿,彭远来,马新硕,危紫翼,姚杰,高浩源,张英泽,谭丽丽,郑诚功. Mg-1.5Sr合金在大鼠骨修复过程中降解的实验研究[J].中华创伤骨科杂志,2016,18(11):988-993.

12. Shih KS, Weng PW, Lin SC, Chen YT, Cheng CK, Lee CH. (2016) "Biomechanical comparison between concentrated, follower, and muscular loads of the lumbar column." Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 135: 209-18.

13. Zhang B, Qu TB, Pan J, Wang ZW, Zhang XD, Ren SX, Wen L, Chen T, Ma DS, Lin Y, Cheng CK. (2016) "Open Patellar Tendon Tenotomy and Debridement Combined with Suture-bridging Double-row Technique for Severe Patellar Tendinopathy." Orthopaedic Surgery. 8 (1):51-9.

14. Wong PC, Lee TH, Tsai PH, Cheng CK, Li C, Jang JSC, Huang JC. (2016) "Enhanced Mechanical Properties of MgZnCa Bulk Metallic Glass Composites with Ti-Particle Dispersion." Metals. 6 (5):116.

15. Lin KJ, Wei HW, Huang CH, Liu YL, Chen WC, McClean CJ, Cheng CK. (2016) "Change in collateral ligament length and tibiofemoral movement following joint line variation in TKA." Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy. 24 (8):2498-505.

16. Kao HC, Lai YS, Cheng CK. (2016) "Translational research of one dynamic hip screw system from SCI to FDA." Journal of Orthopaedic Translation. 7:30-7.

17. Yao KT, Kao HC, Cheng CK, Fang HW, Huang CH, Hsu ML. (2015) "The Potential Risk of Conical Implant-Abutment Connections: The Antirotational Ability of Cowell Implant System." Clinical implant dentistry and related research. 17 (6):1208-16.

18. Lai YS, Chen WC, Huang CH, Cheng CK, Chan KK, Chang TK. (2015) "The effect of graft strength on knee laxity and graft in-situ forces after posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction." PLoS One. 10 (5):e0127293.

19. Chen HC, Lai YS, Chen WC, Chen JW, Chang CM, Chen YL, Wang ST, Cheng CK. (2015) "Effect of different radial hole designs on pullout and structural strength of cannulated pedicle screws." Medical Engineering & Physics. 37 (8):746-51. 

20. Fang CH, Chang CM, Lai YS, Chen WC, Song DY, McClean CJ, Kao HY, Qu TB, Cheng CK. (2015) "Is the posterior cruciate ligament necessary for medial pivot knee prostheses with regard to postoperative kinematics?" Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 23 (11): 3375-82.

21. 祁昕征,张家铭,谭传明,张英泽,郑诚功.从生物力学角度评价单髁置换术与腓骨截骨术[J].医用生物力学,2015,30(06):479-487.

22. 秦迪,陈伟,吕红芝,董天华,郑诚功,张英泽.腓骨中上段部分切除治疗膝关节内侧间室骨性关节炎机制研究及治疗效果影响因素分析[J].河北医科大学学报,2015,36(06):727-729.

23. 孟云,米宽,郑诚功,李德玉,汪待发.AD5933生物阻抗实时监测的便携式椎弓根内固定辅助系统[J].中国科技论文,2015,10(05):580-583+591.

24. Yang RC, Chen MH, Chen PY, Chen CY, Tsai SF, Cheng CK, Sun JS. (2014) "A mutation of the Col2a1 gene (G1170S) alters the transgenic murine phenotype and cartilage matrix homeostasis." Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 113 (11):803-12.

25. Hung CC, Chen WC, Yang CT, Cheng CK, Chen CH, Lai YS. (2014) "Interference screw versus Endoscrew fixation for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A biomechanical comparative study in sawbones and porcine knees." Journal of Orthopaedic Translation. 2:82-90.

26. Huang CH, Hsu LI, Lin KJ, Chang TK, Cheng CK, Lu YC, Chen CS, Huang CH. (2014) "Patellofemoral kinematics during deep knee flexion after total knee replacement: a computational simulation." Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy. 22 (12):3047-53. 

27. Cheng CK, McClean CJ, Lai YS, Chen WC, Huang CH, Lin KJ, Chang CM. (2014) "Biomechanical considerations in the design of high-flexion total knee replacements." TheScientificWorldJournal. 2014:205375.

28. Chen YL, Chen WC, Chou CW, Chen JW, Chang CM, Lai YS, Cheng CK, Wang ST. (2014) "Biomechanical study of expandable pedicle screw fixation in severe osteoporotic bone comparing with conventional and cement-augmented pedicle screws." Medical engineering & physics. 36 (11):1416-20.

29. Chen WC, Lai YS, Cheng CK, Chang TK. (2014) "A cementless, proximally fixed anatomic femoral stem induces high micromotion with nontraumatic femoral avascular necrosis: A finite element study." Journal of Orthopaedic Translation. 2 (3):149-56.

30. Chen CY, Hu CC, Weng PW, Huang YM, Chiang CJ, Chen CH, Tsuang YH, Yang RS, Sun JS, Cheng CK. (2014) "Extracorporeal shockwave therapy improves short-term functional outcomes of shoulder adhesive capsulitis." Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 23 (12):1843-51.

31. Chang CM, Yeh WL, Chen WC, McClean CJ, Chen YL, Lai YS, Cheng CK. (2014) "The effect of different humeral prosthesis fin designs on shoulder stability: a computational model." Medical engineering & physics. 36 (11):1382-7. 

32. Zhang Q, Cheng CK, Wei HW, Dong X, Chen YT, Lai YS, Wang Y. (2013) "Biomechanical comparisons between a new avascular necrosis of femoral head stem based on Chinese patients with avascular necrosis and two other designs." Chinese Medical Journal. 126 (10): 1918-1924.

33. Chen MH, Kao MJ, Cheng CK, Lai HJ, Chen FT, Shyu JL. (2013) "The Effect of Wii Fit® Gaming Console on Balance Deficit for Chronic Stroke Patients." Taipei City Medical Journal. 10 (4): 295-308.

34. Chao KH, Lai YS, Chen WC, Chang CM, McClean CJ, Fan CY, Chang CH, Lin LC, Cheng CK. (2013) "Biomechanical analysis of different types of pedicle screw augmentation: a cadaveric and synthetic bone sample study of instrumented vertebral specimens." Medical engineering & physics. 35 (10): 1506-12. (SCI)

Chang TK, Huang CH, Liu YC, Chen WC, McClean CJ, Lai YS, Cheng CK. (2013) "Biomechanical evaluation and comparison of polyetheretherketone rod system to traditional titanium rod fixation on adjacent levels." Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders. 4 (2): 42-47.