2011-2012 Cornell University、访问学者
2002-2004 北京航空航天大学、人机与环境工程、博士后
2000-2004 昆明理工大学、讲师/副教授
1997-2000 北京航空航天大学、飞行器控制及设计系、人机与环境工程工学博士专业
1995-1997 哈尔滨工业大学、能源系、工程热物理工学硕士专业
1988-1992 哈尔滨船舶工程学院、航天系、热能工程专业
Education and Professional Experience
2016–Present Professor, School of Biological Science & Medical Engineering Beihang University,China
2004–2016 Associate Professor, School of Biological Science & Medical Engineering Beihang University,China
2011-2012 Visiting scholar, Cornell University
2000–2004: Lecturer/Associate Professor, School of Transpotation ,Kunming University of Science and Technology,China
2002–2004 Postdoctor. Man-machine Environment Engineering, Beihang University,China
1997–2000 Ph.D. Man-machine Environment Engineering, Beihang University,China
1995–1997 MS.Thermo-physical Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,China
1988–1992 BA of Thermal Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,China
1. 人体工效学
2. 人体传热研究
Research Interests
2.Heat Transfer in Human Body
面向国家重大需求开展特殊人群的脑—手系统作业能力、个体防护装备防护与救生、人员认知、多人协同、人体舒适与作业疲劳评价等相关基础和关键技术研究。主持国家自然基金、国家支撑计划、国家重点研发子课题等项目30余项目。发表包括人因领域顶级期刊Applied Ergonomics、Building and Environment在内的SCI论文30余篇,获得国家专利14项,国家标准5项,著有工信部“十二五”规划教材《人体工效学》,工信部“十四五”规划专著《航空航天个体防护装备工效学实验研究》。获得省部级奖励3项,校教学一流课程1门,研究生精品1门。
近期主要论著(Recent Publications Selected):
[1]. Jiachen Nie, Qing Zhang, Ruiqi Xu, Mingxia Gong, Rui Mao, Jingwei Cui, Wenxuan Chen, Baoqing Pei , Li Ding. Improvement and validation of the Tanabe model to simulate human thermal behaviors in hot environments at high altitudes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 193:108522.
[2]. Xiaoli Zhou, Jiachen Nie, Bingqi Song, Qin Yang, Xingxin Xu, Jing Xu, Qing Zhang, Li Ding(通讯作者). Ergonomic Evaluation of Thermal Comfort for Different Outlet Distribution Patterns and Ventilation Conditions in the Pilot Protective Helmet[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering.2023,226:120355.
[3]. Lihao Xue, Li Ding(学生第一作者), Jing Zhang, Jiachen Nie, Qing Zhang. Thermal response of human body with immersion suit in cold environment[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2023,67(3):447-456. (SCI: 9G7CW, JCR: Q2; IF: 3.6, 2022)
[4]. Biyun. Zhou, Boyang. Jiao, Bo. Chen,Chao Sun, Li Ding(通讯作者),Yingfang Ao. et al. Physiological and perceptual responses of exposure to different thermal environments at low pressure (61.6kPa), Building and Environment,2022,226, 109774.(SCI: 6P7GC, JCR: Q1; IF: 7.4, 2022)
[5]. Zhang Q, Xu RQ, Ding L(学生为第一作者), Zhang CQ, Zheng XH, Nie JC. An individualized thermoregulatory model for calculating human body thermal response in chemical protective clothing. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2022;182:107780. (SCI: 3D3TJ , JCR: Q1; IF: 4.779, 2022)
[6]. Zhang Q, Ding L(学生第一作者), Sun C, Feng HT, Ma YX, Chen Y, Xin BM, Nie JC. Effects of human thermophysiology and psychology in exposure to simulated microgravity. Acta Astronautica 2022;201:445-453。(SCI:5Z6CL, JCR: Q1; IF: 2.954, 2022)
[7]. Nie JC, Ding L(学生第一作者), Zhang Q, Liu SH, Shi HJ, Zhang ZC, Zou HB. THE FIXATION EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCREWS IN THE WHOLE OSTEOPOROTIC LUMBAR VERTEBRAE: AN FEA STUDY. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 2022;2250034. (SCI: 3P3VG , JCR: Q4; IF: 0.883, 2022)
[8]. Jiachen Nie, Li Ding(学生为第一作者), Yinsheng Tian, Lihao Xue, Qing Zhang, Fahui Yi. Combination of a simplified one-dimensional human thermoregulatory model with the water circulation temperature control and RO membrane sweating systems in the thermal manikin[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 184 (2023) 107941.
[9]. Qu, Hao; Yu, Ling-Jia; Wu, Ju-Tai; Liu, Gang; Liu, Sheng-Hui ; Teng, Peng ; Ding, Li(通讯作者) ; Zhao, Yu*; Spine system changes in soldiers after load carriage training in a plateau environment: a prediction model research[J]. MILITARY MEDICAL RESEARCH,2021, 7(1):63.(SCI:PI1RW, JCR: Q2; IF: 3.329, 2020)
[10]. Ai-ping Yang; Hui-min Hu; Xin Zhang; Li Ding(通讯作者); Chau-Kuang Chen; Natural and forced arm reach ranges in sitting position[J]. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2021,86: . (SCI:WF8BO, JCR: Q3; IF: 2.656, 2020)
[11]. Biyun Zhou; Li Ding(学生为第一作者); Bo Chen; Huijuan Shi; Yingfang Ao; Ruiqi Xu; Yan Li*; Physiological Characteristics and Operational Performance of Pilots in the High Temperature and Humidity Fighter Cockpit Environments[J]. Sensors 2021, 21(17):5798. (SCI:UO2OJ, JCR: Q1; IF: 3.576, 2020)
[12]. Shi Huijuan; Ding Li(学生为第一作者); Yanfang Jiang; Haocheng Zhang; Shuang Ren; Xiaoqing Hu; Zhenlong Liu; Hongshi Huang; Yingfang Ao*. Comparison Between Soccer and Basketball of Bone Bruise and Meniscal Injury Patterns in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries[J]. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021,9(4):.(SCI:RP4HB, JCR: Q2; IF: 2.727, 2020)
[13]. Yan, Yongli; Ding, Li(通讯作者); Yang, Yana ; Liu, Fucai; Discrete Sliding Mode Control Design for Bilateral Teleoperation System via Adaptive Extended State Observer[J]. Sensors 2021, 21(17):5798. (SCI:OD8JZ, JCR: Q1; IF: 3.576, 2020)
[14]. Shi Huijuan; Ding Li(学生为第一作者); Ren Shuang; Jiang Yanfang; Zhang Haocheng; Hu Xiaoqing; Huang Hongshi; Ao Yingfang*. Prediction of Knee Kinematics at the Time of Noncontact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Based on the Bone Bruises[J]. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2020,49(1):162-170. (SCI:PM7II, JCR: Q2; IF: 3.943, 2020)
[15]. Shi Huijuan; Ding Li(学生为第一作者); Jiang Yanfang; Zhang Haocheng; Ren Shuang; Hu Xiaoqing; Liu Zhenlong; Huang Hongshi; Ao Yingfang*. Bone Bruise Distribution Patterns After Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ruptures: Implications for the Injury Mechanism. [J]. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2020, 8(4): 2325967120911162.(SCI:LH1SX, JCR: Q2; IF: 2.727, 2020)
[16]. Yan Li, Aie Liua, Li Ding(通讯作者). Machine learning assessment of visually induced motion sickness levels based on multiple biosignals. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2019, 49: 202–211. (SCI:HL7SY, JCR: Q2; IF: 3.88, 2020)
[17]. Wei Liu, Jing Wang, Yu Li, Zhaowei Zhu, Dianfu Qie, Li Ding(通讯作者). Natural convection heat transfer at reduced pressures[J]. Experimental heat transfer. 2019,32(1):14-24(SCI:HJ0BS, JCR: Q2 IF: 4.058, 2020)
[18]. Yinsheng Tian, Haibo Zhang, Li Ding(通讯作者), et al., Effects of EVA glove on hand dexterity at low temperature and low pressure[J]. Applied Ergonomics, 2018, 70: 98-103 (SCI:GK5OJ, JCR: Q1; IF: 2.435, 2017)
[19]. Tian Yinsheng, Li Jing, Zhang haibo, Xu Lihao, Wen Lei, Ding Li (通讯作者), Thermal protection study of bladder compensatory suit using a heat transfer model[J]. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. 2017, 5(4): 415-425 (SSCI:FQ0RH, JCR: Q4; IF: 0.902, 2017)
[20]. Li Jingwen, Ye Qing, Ding Li (通讯作者), et al. Modeling and dynamic simulation of astronaut’s upper limb motions considering counter torques generated by the space suit [J]. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical engineering. 2017, 20(9):929-940.(SCI:EW7TC, JCR: Q2; IF: 1.974, 2017)
[21]. Yang Tao, Ding Li(学生第一作者), et al. Machanical and physiological effect of partial pressure suit: experiment and numerical study [J]. Technology and Health Care. 2017, 25:S35-S44. (SCI:FB5BT, JCR: Q4; IF: 0.724, 2017)
[22]. Ding L, Yang F. Muscle weakness is related to slip-initiated falls among community-dwelling older adults. J Biomech 2016; 49(2):238-43. (SCI:DF7QF, JCR: Q2; IF:2.431, 2017)
[23]. Tian Yinsheng, Ding Li (通讯作者), LiuH eqing, et al., Effects of EVA gloves on grip strength and fatigue under low temperature and low pressure[J]. Applied Ergonomics, 2016, 53(A): 17-24 (SCI:DA4NI, JCR: Q1; IF: 2.435, 2017)
[24]. Huimin Hu, Li Ding(通讯作者),Alan Hedge, Xianxue Li,Chunguang Zhang, Zhifeng Qin, Huajun Xiao. The Effects of Pressurized Partial Pressure Suits on Operational Ergonomics. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2015, 45:107-115. (SCI:CA4OF, JCR: Q2; IF: 1.429, 2017)
[25]. Li Jing, Tian Yinsheng, Ding Li (通讯作者), Zou Huijuan, Ren Zhaosheng , Shi Liyong, David Feathers. Simulating Extreme Environments: Ergonomic Evaluation of Chinese Pilot Performance and Heat Stress Tolerance. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. 2015, 51:215–222. (SSCI:CK2TN, JCR: Q4; IF: 0.902, 2017)
[26]. Ding L, Li XX, Hedge A, Hu HM, Feathers D, Qin ZF, Xiao HJ, Xue LH, Zhou QX. Optimizing the physical ergonomics indices for the use of partial pressure suits. Applied Ergonomics.2015, 47:72-83. (SCI:AY6FW, JCR: Q1; IF: 2.435, 2017)
[27]. Xianxue Li, Li Ding(通讯作者), Alan Hedge, Huimin Hu, Zhifeng Qin, Qianxiang Zhou. An experimental study on the ergonomics indices of partial pressure suits[J]. Applied Ergonomics,2013,44:393-403.(SCI: 083FB, JCR: Q1; IF: 2.435, 2017)
[28]. Hui-Min Hu, Li Ding, Shou-Ping Chen, Chun-Xin Yang, Xiu-Gan Yuan. Study on functional relationships between ergonomics indexes of manual performance. Acta Astronautica, 2008,63:811–821. (学生第一作者)(SCI: 351FE, JCR: Q1; IF: 2.227, 2017)
[29]. Feng Yang,Li Ding,Chunxin Yang,Xiugan Yuan, An algorithm for simulating human arm movement considering the comfort level[J],Simulation Modeliing Practice and Theory,2005,437-449.(SCIE NO:937EF, JCR: Q1; IF:2.092 , 2017)
[30]. Ding Li, Yuan Xiugan, Lei Qian, Yunhong Yu, The Research of EMU Glove Heating System[J], Aerospace Science and Technology, 2004(8): 93-99. (SCI:803MP, JCR: Q1; IF: 2.228, 2017)
[1] 丁立,黄钰然,张晴,丁一,刘绍清;一种牙科医生椅;北京航空航天大学,北京大学第三医院,2023, 实用新型专利号:2022 2 3532331.9。
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[6] 田寅生,丁立,李谭秋;一种利用膜分离技术模拟皮肤发汗的装置;北京航空航天大学,中国航天员科研训练中心,2021, 发明专利号:201810336460.X。
[7] 丁立,张玉梅,谢军伟,张文博,迟迎;一种基于改良遗传算法的甲板布局计算方法;中国船舶重工集团公司第七〇一研究所,北京航空航天大学,2020, 发明专利号:201710066422.2。
[8] 丁立,徐韵,罗博文,刘迪;便携式新陈代谢测量仪,北京航空航天大学,2020, 发明专利号:201810333251.X。
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[10] 丁立, 李晶;超低温恒温抓握棒装置;北京航空航天大学, 2013, 发明专利号:201010184103.X。
[11] 丁立, 刘何庆;低温有压手套作业能力测试装置;北京航空航天大学, 2012, 发明专利号:200910244608.8。
[12] 丁立, 李先学, 汤晓蕾, 张庆, 张文娟;超低温抓握力测试装置;北京航空航天大学, 2011, 发明专利号:200910084751.5。
[13] 丁立, 王超, 杨春信, 于广锋;封闭式含冰晶颗粒气体生成装置;北京航空航天大学, 2011, 发明专利号:200910090316.3。

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