

李德玉 博士

北京航空航天大学 生物与医学工程学院 教授

Deyu Li, Ph.D. & Professor

Vice Dean, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing

Tel.& Fax:  86-10- 82339093

Email: deyuli@buaa.edu.cn



1985 – 1989  成都科技大学、工程力学系、工程力学专业、工学学士学位

1989 – 1992  中国科技大学、流体力学专业、 力学硕士学位

1996 – 2002  四川大学、生物医学工程专业、 博士学位

1992 – 2005  四川大学、助教、讲师、副教授、教授

2005 –2008  北京航空航天大学、生物工程系、副系主任(2006-)、教授

2008 –      北京航空航天大学、生物与医学工程学院、教授


1996-2002: Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Sichuan University, China

1989-1992: M.S., Fluid Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, China

1985-1989: B.E., Engineering Mechanics, Chengdu University of Science and Technology, China

Professional Experience

2008-Present:   Professor & Vice Dean, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering Beihang University, China

2005-2008:     Professor & Vice Director(2006-), Bioengineering Department, Beihang University, China

1992-2005:     Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, Sichuan University, China



1.  生物医学成像与图像处理

2.  生物医学信号处理与仪器

3.  生物力学

4.  康复工程

Research Field of Interest:

1.   Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing

2.   Biomedical Signal Processing and Instrumentation

3.   Biomechanics

4.   Rehabilitation Engineering



中国生物医学工程学会                            副秘书长

中国电子学会医学电子学分会                      委员

北京生物医学工程学会                            常务理事、生物力学专委会委员

《生物医学工程杂志》                            第四届编委

Memberships of Professional Societies:

Member, Chinese Biomedical Engineering Society

Council Member, Biomedical Electronics Branch, Chinese Institute of Electronics

Council Member, Beijing Biomedical Engineering Society

Member of Editorial Board:

Journal of Biomedical Engineering (Chinese)



近期主要论著(Recent Publications Selected:

1.    Cheng-Rui Liu, Hai-Jun Niu, Yu-Bo Fan and De-Yu Li. Bone QUS measurement performed under loading condition, a more accuracy ultrasound method for osteoporosis diagnosis. Medical Hypotheses, 2012,79:539-541

2. Cheng-Rui Liu, Hai-Jun Niu, Fang Pu, Ling Wang, Lian-Wen Sun, Yu-Bo Fan and De- Yu Li.The effect of physical loading on calcaneus quantitative ultrasound measurement: a cross-section study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2012,13:70.

3.   Fei Li, Ling Wang, Yubo Fan, Deyu Li. Simulation of noninvasive blood pressure estimation using ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles. IEEE Trans UFFC, 2012: 59(4):715-726.

4. Chi Zhang, Sheng Xie, Shuyu Li, Fang Pu, Xiaoyan Deng, Yubo Fan, Deyu Li. Flow patterns and wall shear stress distribution in human internal carotid arteries: The geometric effect on the risk for stenoses. Journal of Biomechanics, 2012,45(1):83-89.

5.Lian Wen Sun, Chao Wang, Fang Pu, De Yu Li, Hai Jun Niu and Yu Bo Fan. Comparative Study on Measured Variables and Sensitivity to Bone Microstructural Changes Induced by Weightlessness between In Vivo and Ex Vivo Micro-CT Scans. Calcified Tissue International, 2011, 88(1), 48-53.

6. Lizhen Wang, Jason Tak-Man Cheung, Fang Pu, Deyu Li, Ming Zhang, Yubo Fan. Why Do Woodpeckers Resist Head Impact Injury: A Biomechanical Investigation. PLoS one, 2011,6(10): e26490.

7.Shuyu Li, Mingrui Xia, Fang Pu, Deyu Li, Yubo Fan, Haijun Niu, Baoqing Pei, Yong He. Age-related changes in the surface morphology of the central sulcus. NeuroImage, 2011, 58(2): 381–390.

8.Fang Pu, Liqiang Xu, Deyu Li, Shuyu Li, Lianwen Sun, Ling Wang, Yubo Fan. Effect of different labor forces on fetal skull molding. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011, 33 (5) :620–625.

9.NIU HaiJun, LI LiFeng, SUN Feng, YAN Yan, WANG YueXiang, LI DeYu, FAN YuBo Ultrasound speed and attenuation in progressive trypsin digested articular cartilage. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci. 2011, 54(11): 1029-1035.

10.Jinrong Zhong, Shuhan Jia, Fang Pu, Haijun Niu, Shuyu Li, Deyu Li, Yubo Fan. Ultrasound Estimation of Female Urinary Bladder Volumes Based on Magnetic Resonance Modeling. The Journal of Urology, 2010, 183(1): 216-220.

11.Lian-wen Sun, Yu-bo Fan, De-yu Li, Feng Zhao, Tian Xie, Xiao Yang, Zhang-ting Gu; Evaluation on mechanical properties of rat bone under simulated microgravity condition using nanoindentation. Acta Biomaterialia, 2009, 5(9):3506-3511.

12.Xiao Liu, Fang Pu, Yubo Fan, Xiaoyan Deng, Deyu Li and Shuyu Li. A numerical study on the flow of blood and the transport of LDL in the human aorta: the physiological significance of the helical flow in the aortic arch, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 297:163-170, 2009.

13.Yuqi Wang, Jin She, Haiyan Xiang, Yinhua Li, Juan Liu, Deyu Li, Mengsun Yu, Improving Auscultatory Blood Pressure Measurement With Electronic and Computer Technology: The Visual Auscultation Method, American Journal of Hypertension. 2009; 22(6):624-29. 

14. Yin LX, Laske TG, Rakow N, Cai L, Williams T1, Li CM, Zhao Y, Deng Y, Chen LJ, Li S, Wang S, Zheng CQ, Li DY, Wang TF, Zheng Y. Intracardiac echocardiography-guided his bundle pacing and atrioventricular nodal ablation. PACE-Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology, 2008, 31(5): 536-542.

15.ZHANG ZhiGuo, DENG XiaoYan, FAN YuBo, LI DeYu; Ex vitro experimental study on concentration polarization of macromolecules (LDL) at an arterial stenosis. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci 2007, 50( 4): 486-491

16.Shu-kui Zhao, De-yu Li, Yi Zheng, Li-xue Yin, Chang-qiong Zheng, Tian-fu Wang, Chun-mei Li, Yan Deng, Guan-fu Yin, Quantitative Analysis of Sinoatrial Node Using Doppler Tissue Images , IEEE Trans. UFFC, 2003, 50(10):1336-1441.

17.Yin LixueZheng Changqiong Cai Li, Zheng Yi, Li Chunmei, Deng Yan, Luo Yun, Li Deyu, Zhao ShukuiCardiac conductive system excitation maps using intracardiac tissue Doppler imaging,Chinese Medical Journal,,2003, 116(2): 278-283.