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博士 副教授

周 瑾 博士 副教授

北京航空航天大学 生物与医学工程学院  逸夫科学馆406


Jin Zhou, Ph.D.  

Tel.@Fax:  86-10- 82339861

Email:  jinzhou@buaa.edu.cn


2018 – 至今北京航空航天大学、生物与医学工程学院、助理教授、副教授

2015 2018  北京航空航天大学、生物与医学工程学院、博士后

2011 2014  英国巴斯大学、生物化学学院、Research Fellow

2008 2011  英国巴斯大学、生物化学学院、博士

2007 2008  英国爱丁堡大学、化学学院、硕士

2003 2007  北京理工大学、生命科学与技术学院、学士


2008-2011:  Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Bath, UK

2007-2008:  Mphil. University of Edinburgh, UK

2003-2007:  Bsc, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing

Professional Experience

2018 Present:   Assistant professor, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering,

                Beihang University, CHINA

2015 2018:    Postdoc, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering,

                Beihang University, CHINA

2011 2014:    Postdoc, School of Chemistry, University of Bath,UK


1.   生物/化学传感器

2.   药物控释

3.   生物智能材料在抗菌及组织修复方面的应用

4.   细胞与生物材料相互作用

Research Interests

1.      Biosensors;

2.      Drug delivery

3.      Bio-responsive materials for antimicrobial/tissue regeneration;

4.      Interaction of biomaterials and cells

近期主要论著(Recent Publications Selected:

1.     Jin Zhou, Sen Hou, Linhao Li, Danyu YaoYuanyuan Liu, A. Tobias A. Jenkins,

Yubo Fan, Theranostic Infection-responsive Coating to In-situ Detect and Prevent Urinary Catheter Blockage ,Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, 5, 1801242


2.     Jin ZhouDanyu YaoZhiyong QianSen Hou Linhao Li A.Tobias A.

Jenkins*, Yubo Fan*, Simultaneous In situ detection and inhibition of bacterial infection for accelerated wound healing, Biomaterials, 2018, 161,11-23.


3.     Jin Zhou, Thet Naing Tun, Sung-ha Hong, June D. Mercer-Chalmers, Maisem Laabei, Amber

E.R.Young, A.Tobias A. Jenkins*, Development of a prototype wound dressing technology which can detect and report colonization by pathogenic bacteria, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011,30,67-72.


4.     Jin Zhou, Andrew L. Loftus, Geraldine Mulley and A. Toby A. Jenkins*A thin film

detection /response system for pathogenic bacteria, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 65666570.


5.     Jin Zhou, Jiandong Xu, Yao xie, Feng Xu, Yulin Deng, Lina Geng*Capillary electrophoresis

separation of non-denatured protein with replacable crosslinked polyacrylamide matrix, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008,53,1645-1649.


6.     Jin Zhou, Danyu Yao, Zhiyong Qian, Sen Hou, Linhao Li, Yubo Fan, A methodology for

detecting the wound state sensing in terms of its colonization of pathogenic bacteria, Method X, 2018,5,1521-1527.


7.     Danyu Yao, Zhiyong Qian, Jin Zhou, Ge Peng, Gang Zhou, Haifeng Liu, Yubo

Fan, Facile incorporation of REDV into porous silk fibroin scaffolds for enhancing vascularization of thick tissues, Materials Science & Engineering C,2018,93,96-105


8.     A. Tobias A. Jenkins*, Thet Naing Tun, Jin Zhou, Sung-ha Hong, Serena

Marshall, A microbiologically sensitive intelligent burns dressing concept, Burns, 2011, 37, 5.




电子邮件: jinzhou@buaa.edu.cn

Contact Information:

Address:  School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University

XueYuan Road No.37, HaiDian District, Beijing, 100083, China

Tel & Fax: (8610)82339861
Email:    jinzhou@buaa.edu.cn