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The 2nd International Conference on

“Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices”


FRIDAY:  4th. Dec., 2020

07:00 PM (Beijing) | 07:00 AM (New York) | 11:00 AM (London)

Tencent Meeting  ID: 331 5471 2554


Chinese Society for Biomaterials Biomechanics Branch

The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics / Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering Biomechanics Branch

Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering Rehabilitation Engineering Branch


Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering

Key Laboratory for Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Ministry of Education

Journal Editorial Office of Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices

Support Units

Beijing Natural Science Foundation

TOPICThe Tension as a Hallmark of the Life


Baohua Ji is the professor of biomechanics and applied mechanics of Zhejiang University. He earned his B.S and Ph.D degrees from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1993 and 1998, respectively. He did his postdoc research at Institute of Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Science during 1998-2001, and at Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research during 2001-2004. Dr. Ji ‘s interests are multiscale modeling and experimental study of biological systems at molecular, cellular and tissue levels. His research is currently focused on cell-matrix interaction, collective cell migration, and receptor-ligand interaction. The objective is to achieve a quantitative understanding of how forces and deformation affect human health and disease from molecular, cellular and tissue levels.


Tension force presents prevalently in living organisms at different scales and for different biological/pathological functions. This tension force is homeostatic and could be perturbed by external stimuli, for instance, the change of mechanical microenvironment will alter the magnitude and distribution of the tension in cell and tissue. In this talk I will analyze its distribution and propagation, and discuss why they are closely related to the structural and functional properties of living organisms from cellular to multicellular scales, and discuss how the mechanical cues change the tension quantitatively, and why the mechanics is a new standpoint of understanding the health and medicine.