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万涛 博士

北京航空航天大学, 生物与医学工程学院, 副教授


Tao Wan, Ph.D. & Associate Professor

Email: taowan@buaa.edu.cn.






Research Interests:

Computer aided diagnosis and prognosis for breast cancer, cervical cancer, brain tumor, lung cancer, and cardiovascular diseases; Quantitative analysis of pathological images; Multimodal medical data fusion; Medical image processing; Computer vision; Machine learning, Medical AI.



2005/10-2009/05 英国布里斯托大学电气和电子工程系,电子与电气工程,博士

2002/09-2004/02  英国布里斯托大学计算机系,全球计算与多媒体,硕士

1996/09-2000/07  北京科技大学计算机系,计算机及应用,学士



2005/10-2009/05   University of Bristol, UK, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Ph.D.

2002/09-2004/02    University of Bristol, UK, Global Computing and Multimedia, M.Sc.

1996/09-2000/07    University of Science and Technology, Beijing, Computer Science and Technology, B.Eng.



2013/09-至今  北京航空航天大学生物与医学工程学院,助理教授、副教授、博士生导师

2011/06-2013/08  美国波士顿大学医学中心/美国凯斯西储大学,博士后研究员

2010/12-2011/06  美国卡内基-梅隆大学机器人研究所,访问研究员

2009/07-2010/09  中国三星技术院,高级研究员

2008/09-2008/11  美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,访问学者

2007/07-2007/08  希腊研究与技术基金会下属计算机科学学院,访问学者


Employment / Training

2013/09 – Present  Beihang University, Beijing, Assistant Professor & Associate Professor

2011/06-2013/08  Boston University School of Medicine/Case Western Reserve University, Postdoctoral Research Fellow

2010/12-2011/06  Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Visiting Researcher

2009/07-2010/09  Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, China, Senior Researcher

2008/09-2008/11  University of California, San Diego, USA, Visiting Scholar

2007/07-2007/08  Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH-ICS), Heraklion, Greece, Visiting Scholar


近期发表论文(Selected Recent Publications)

1.        Junyu Ji, Tao Wan, Dong Chen, Hao Wang, Menghan Zheng, Zengchang Qin, A deep learning method for automatic evaluation of diagnostic information from multi-stained histopathological images, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 256:109820.

2.        Yu Zhang, Yuqi Luo, Xin Kong, Tao Wan, Yunling Long and Jun Ma, A preoperative MRI-based radiomics-clinicopathological classifier to predict the recurrence of pituitary macroadenoma within 5 years, Frontiers in Neurology, 2022, 12:780628.

3.        Tao Wan, Chunxue Wu, Ming Meng, Tao Liu, Chuzhong Li, Jun Ma, Zengchang Qin, Radiomic Features on Multiparametric MRI for Preoperative Evaluation of Pituitary Macroadenomas Consistency: Preliminary Findings, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/jmri.27930, 1-13.

4.        Tao Wan, Jianhui Chen, Zhonghua Zhang, Deyu Li, Zengchang Qin. Automatic vessel segmentation in X-ray angiogram using spatio-temporal fully-convolutional neural network, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021, 68:102646.

5.        Tao Wan, Lei Zhao, Hongxiang Feng, Deyu Li, Chao Tong, Zengchang Qin. Robust nuclei segmentation in histopathology using ASPPU-Net and boundary refinement, Neurocomputing, 2020, 408:144-156.

6.        Tan Wan, Shusong Xu, Chen Sang, Yylan Jin, Zengchang Qin. Accurate segmentation of overlapping cells in cervical cytology with deep convolutional neural networks, Neurocomputing, 2019, 365:157-170.

7.        Tao Wan, Hongxiang Feng, Chao Tong, Deyu Li, Zengchang Qin. Automated identification and grading of coronary artery stenosis with X-ray angiography, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2018, 167:13-22.

8.        Tao Wan, Xiaoqing Shang, Weilin Yang, Jianhui Chen, Deyu Li, Zengchang Qin. Automated coronary artery tree segmentation in X-ray angiography using improved Hessian Based enhancement and statistical region merging, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2018, 157:179-190.

9.        Tao Wan, Wanshu Zhang, Min Zhu, Jianhui Chen, Zengchang.Qin. Automated mitosis detection in histopathology based on non-Gaussian modeling of complex wavelet coefficients, Neurocomputing, 2017, 237:291-303.

10.    Tao Wan, Jiajia Cao, Jianhui Chen, Zengchang Qin. Automated grading of breast cancer histopathology using cascaded ensemble with combination of multi-level image features, Neurocomputing, 2017, 229:34-44.