刘 红


 环境生物学与生命保障技术研究所 网页(http://www.lss-lab.bme.buaa.edu.cn)

 刘红  博士

北京航空航天大学 生物与医学工程学院 教授


 空天生物技术与医学工程国际联合研究中心  执行主任

 空间生命科学与生命保障技术中心 主任

 环境生物学与生命保障技术所 所长

 Liu Hong, Ph.D. & Professor

 Director, Research Center of Space Life Science & Life Support Technology


Director, institute of Environmental Biology and Life Support Technology (http://www.lss-lab.bme.buaa.edu.cn)

School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University

Tel.@Fax:  86-10- 82339837


Email:  LH64@buaa.edu.cn




1983 1987  南京理工大学  环境保护专业 学士学位


1987 1989  中国矿业大学  环境保护专业 助教


1989 1994  莫斯科大学    环境保护和自然资源合理利用专业 博士学位


1994 1996  中国农业大学  资源与环境学院 博士后


1996 2001  中国农业大学  资源与环境学院 副教授


2001 2004  北京师范大学  环境学院  教授


2004 2006   北京航空航天大学 环境工程系 教授


2006        北京航空航天大学 生物与医学工程学院 教授






1983 – 1987  Bachelor’s degree, Environmental Protection Major, Nanjing University of Science and Technology


1989 – 1994  Doctor’s degree, Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources Major, Moscow State University


Professional Experiences


1987– 1989  Assistant, Environmental Protection Major, China UniversityOf Mining And Technology


1994 – 1996  Postdoctoral, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, ChinaAgricultural University


1996 – 2001  Associate Professor, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, ChinaAgricultural University


2001 – 2004  Professor, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University  


2004 – 2006  Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Beihang University


2006 –       Professor, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University






1.        特殊环境生命保障和生物安全

2.        光生物学与光保健

3.        肠道微生物学与精神健康

4.        高端植物工厂


Research Interests

1.        Life support and biosafety of special environment

2.        Photobiology & Optical health care

3.        Intestinal microbiology & Mental health

4.        Advanced plant factory






1.        俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士


2.        国际宇航科学院院士


Academic Honor


1.       Foreign member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences


2.       Member of the International Academy of Astronautics


近期主要论著(Recent Publications Selected:


1.       Hui Liu, Yuming Fu, Minjuan Wang, Hong Liu*. Green light enhances growth, photosynthetic pigments and CO2 assimilation efficiency of lettuce as revealed by ‘knock-out’ of the 480–560 nm spectral waveband[J]. Photosynthetica. DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0233-7

2.       Leyuan Li, Qiang Su, Beizhen Xie, Liping Duan, Wenying Zhao, Dawei Hu, Ruilin Wu, Hong Liu*.Gut microbes in correlation with mood: case study in a closed experimental human life support system[J]. Neurogastroenterol Motil. DOI: 10.1111/nmo.12822

3.       Youcai Qin, Yuming Fu*, Cheng Dong, Nannan Jia, Hong Liu*.Shifts of microbial communities of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation in a closed artifical ecosystem[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 100(9): 4085-4095.

4.       Beizhen Xie, Bojie Liu, Yue Yi, Lige Yang, Dawei Liang, Ying Zhu, Hong Liu*.Microbiological mechanism of the improved nitrogen and phosphorus removal by embedding microbial fuel cell in Anaerobic–Anoxic–Oxic wastewater treatment process[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 207: 109-117.

5.       Chen Dong, Guanghui Liu, Yuming Fu, Minjuan Wang, Beizhen Xie, Youcai Qin, Bowei Li, Hong Liu*.Twin studies in Chinese closed controlled ecosystem with humans: the effect of elevated CO2 disturbance on gas exchange characteristics[J].Ecological Engineering, 2016, 91: 126-30.

6.       Shengda Deng, Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu*.The Recycle of water and nitrogen from urine in bioregenerative life support system[J].Acta Astronautica, 2016, 123: 86-90.

7.       Guanghui Liu, Yingying Dong, Beizhen Xie*, Dawei Hu, Yuming Fu, Chen Dong, Liang Li, Hong Liu*.The regulation of CO2 levels in a BLSS by controlling the solid waste treatment unit[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 90: 382-386.

8.       Leyuan Li, Beizhen Xie, Chen Dong, Minjuan Wang, Hong Liu*. Can closed artificial ecosystem have an impact on insect microbial community? A case study of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.)[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 86: 183-189.

9.       Leyuan Li, Mike Stasiak*, Liang Li, Beizhen Xie, Yuming Fu, Danuta Gidzinski, Mike Dixon, Hong Liu*. Rearing tenebrio molitor in blss: dietary fiber affects larval growth, development, and respiration characteristics[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 118: 130-136.

10.    Yi Sun, Dawei Hu, Liang Li, Zheng Jing, Chuanfeng Wei, Lantao Zhang, Yuming Fu, Hong Liu*. Influence mechanism of low-dose ionizing radiation on Escherichia coli DH5α population based on plasma theory and system dynamics simulation[J]. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2016, 151: 185-192.

11.    Chen Dong, Lingzhi Shao, Minjuan Wang, Guanghui Liu, Hui Liu, Beizhen Xie, Bowei Li, Yuming Fu*, Hong Liu*. Wheat carbon dioxide responses in space simulations conducted at the Chinese Lunar Palace-1[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2016, 108: 32-38.

12.    Yi Sun, Beizhen Xie, Minjuan Wang, Chen Dong, Xiaojie Du, Yuming Fu, Hong Liu*. Microbial community structure and succession of airborne microbes in closed artificial ecosystem[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 88: 165-176.

13.    Minjuan Wang, Yuming Fu*, Hong Liu*. Nutritional quality and ions uptake to PTNDS in soybeans[J]. Food Chemistry, 2016, 192:750-759.

14.    Minjuan Wang, Beizhen Xie, Yuming Fu, Chen Dong, Liu Hui, Liu Guanghui, Hong Liu*. Effects of different elevated CO2 concentrations on chlorophyll contents, gas exchange, water use efficiency, and PSII activity on C3 and C4 cereal crops in a closed artificial ecosystem[J]. Photosynthesis Research, 2015, 126(2-3):351-362.

15.    Juan Yu, Minjuan Wang, Chen Dong, Beizhen Xie, Guanghui Liu, Yuming Fu*, Hong Liu*. Analysis and evaluation of strawberry growth, photosynthetic characteristics, biomass yield and quality in an artificial closed ecosystem[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 195: 188-194.

16.    Lingzhi Shao, Yuming Fu, Hui Liu, Hong Liu*. Changes of the antioxidant capacity in Gynura bicolor DC under different light sources[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 184: 40-45.

17.    Minjuan Wang, Yuming Fu*, Hong Liu*. Nutritional status and ion uptake response of Gynura bicolor DC. between Porous-tube and traditional hydroponic growth systems[J]. Acta Astronautica,2015, 113: 13-21.

18.    Chen Dong, Lingzhi Shao, Guanghui Liu, Minjuan Wang, Hui Liu, Beizhen Xie, Bowei Li, Yuming Fu*, Hong Liu*. Photosynthetic characteristics, antioxidant capacity and biomass yield of wheat exposed to intermittent light irradiation with millisecond-scale periods[J]. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2015, 184: 28-36.

19.    Chen Dong, Lingzhi Shao, Yuming Fu, Minjuan Wang, Beizhen Xie, Juan Yu, Hong Liu*. Evaluation of wheat growth, morphological characteristics, biomass yield and quality in Lunar Palace-1, plant factory, green house and field systems[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2015, 111: 102-109.

20.    Yuming Fu, Lingzhi Shao, Hui Liu, Hongyan Li, Zhiruo Zhao, Peiliang Ye, Pingzhen Chen, Hong Liu*. Unexpected decrease in yield and antioxidants in vegetable at very high CO2 levels[J]. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2015, 13(4): 473-479.

21.    Xue Liang, Yuming Fu, Hong Liu*. Isolation and characterization of enzyme-producing bacteria of the silkworm larval gut in bioregenerative life support system[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2015, 116: 247-253.

22.    Minjuan Wang, Chen Dong, Yuming Fu, Hong Liu*. Growth, morphological and photosynthetic characteristics, antioxidant capacity, biomass yield and water use efficiency of Gynura bicolor DC exposed to super-elevated CO2[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2015, 114: 138-146.

23.    Beizhen Xie, Wenbo Dong, Bojie Liu, Hong Liu*. Enhancement of pollutants removal from real sewage by embedding microbial fuel cell in anaerobic-anoxic-oxic wastewater treatment process[J]. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2014, 89(3):448–454.

24.    Lingzhi Shao, Yuming Fu, Wenting Fu, Min Yan, Leyuan Li, Hong Liu*. Effects of aqueous extract of soil-like substrate made from three different materials on seed germination and seedling growth of rice[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 96: 83-88.

25.    Xue Liang, Yuming Fu, Ling Tong, Hong Liu*. Microbial shifts of the silkworm larval gut in response to lettuce leaf feeding[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98(8): 3769-3776.

26.    Chen Dong, Yuming Fu, Guanghui Liu, Hong Liu*. Growth, Photosynthetic Characteristics, Antioxidant Capacity and Biomass Yield and Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Exposed to LED Light Sources with Different Spectra Combinations[J]. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2014, 200(3): 219-230.

27.    Chen Dong, Yuming Fu, Guanghui Liu, Hong Liu*. Low light intensity effects on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics, antioxidant capacity, yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at different growth stages in BLSS[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2014,53: 1557-1566.

28.    Ming Li, Dawei Hu, Hong Liu*. Photobioreactor with ideal light–dark cycle designed and built from mathematical modeling and CFD simulation[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 73: 162-167.

29.    Chen Dong, Dawei Hu, Yuming Fu, Minjuan Wang, Hong Liu*.Analysis and optimization of the effect of light and nutrient solution on wheat growth and development using an inverse system model strategy[J].Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2014,109: 221-231.

30.    Kun Dong, Boyang Jia, Chaoling Yu, Wenbo Dong, Fangzhou Du, Hong Liu*. Microbial fuel cell as power supply for implantable medical devices: A novel configuration design for simulating colonic environment[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 41: 916-919.

31.    Boyang Jia, Dawei Hu, Beizhen Xie, Kun Dong, Hong Liu*. Increased power density from a spiral wound microbial fuel cell[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 41: 894-897.

32.    Yuming Fu, Hui Liu, Lingzhi Shao, Minjuan Wang, Yu A. Berkovich, A. N. Erokhin, Hong Liu*. A high-performance ground-based prototype of horn-type sequential vegetable production facility for life support system in space[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 52(1): 97-104.

33.    Ming Li, Dawei Hu, Hong Liu*, Enzhu Hu, Beizhen Xie, Ling Tong. Chlorella vulgaris culture as a regulator of CO2 in a bioregenerative life support system[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 52(4): 773-779.

34.    LeYuan Li, ZhiRuo Zhao, Hong Liu*. Feasibility of feeding yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) in bioregenerative life support systems as a source of animal protein for humans[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2013, 92(1): 103-109.

35.    Suling Yang, Fangzhou Du, Hong Liu*. Characterization of mixed-culture biofilms established in microbial fuel cells[J]. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2012, 46: 531-537.

36.    Yuming Fu, Hong Liu*. Cultivation of three cruciferous vegetables in a confined environment decreases microbial burden[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2012, 44: 174-178.

37.    Enzhu Hu, Hong Liu*. Qualitative analysis of the stability of a continuous vermicomposting system[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 126: 345-349.

38.    Wenli Kang, Wenting He, Leyuan Li, Hong Liu*. Characteristics of the soil-like substrates produced with a novel technique combining aerobic fermentation and earthworm treatment[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2012, 50(11): 1495-1500.

39.    Ling Tong, Dawei Hu, Yuming Fu, Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu*. Growth characteristics comparison of lettuce and silkworms in and out of the multibiological life support system[J].Ecological Engineering, 2012, 47: 105-109.

40.    Ling Tong, Ming Li, Enzhu Hu, Yuming Fu, Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu*. The fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and water in the multibiological life support system[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2012, 43: 91-94.

41.    Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu*. Optimization of the Proportion of the Activated Sludge Irradiated with Low-Intensity Ultrasound for Improving the Quality of Wastewater Treatment[J]. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2011, 215(1-4): 621-629.

42.    Fangzhou Du, Beizhen Xie, Wenbo Dong, Boyang Jia, Kun Dong, Hong Liu*. Continuous flowing membraneless microbial fuel cells with separated electrode chambers[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(19): 8914-8920.

43.    Yuming Fu, Lingzhi Shao, Hui Liu, Ling Tong, Hong Liu*. Ethylene removal evaluation and bacterial community analysis of vermicompost as biofilter material[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192(2): 658-666.

44.    Yuming Fu, Lingzhi Shao, Ling Tong, Hong Liu*. Ethylene removal efficiency and bacterial community diversity of a natural zeolite biofilter[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(2): 576-584.

45.    Enzhu Hu, Ling Tong, Dawei Hu, Hong Liu*. Mixed effects of CO2 concentration on photosynthesis of lettuce in a closed artificial ecosystem[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2011, 37(12): 2082-2086.

46.    Ling Tong, Dawei Hu, Hong Liu*, Ming Li, Yuming Fu, Boyang Jia, Fangzhou Du, Enzhu Hu. Gas exchange between humans and multibiological life support system[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2011, 37(12): 2025-2034.

47.    Ling Tong, Hong Liu*. Rearing of silkworm larva in a closed gas revitalizing plant system[J]. Ecological Engineering , 2011, 37(9): 1259-1266.

48.    Ling Tong, Hong Liu*. Insect food for astronauts: gas exchange in silkworms fed on mulberry and lettuce and the nutritional value of these insects for human consumption during deep space flights[J]. Bulletin of Entomological Research., 2011, 101: 613-622.

49.    Fangzhou Du, Zhenglong Li, Shaoqiang Yang, Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu*. Electricity generation directly using human feces wastewater for life support system[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2011, 68(9-10): 1537-1547.

50.    Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu*. Enhancement of biological nitrogen removal from wastewater by low intensity ultrasound[J]. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2010, 211(1-4): 157-163.

51.    Yufeng Han, Chaoling Yu, Hong Liu*. A microbial fuel cell as power supply for implantable medical devices[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 25(9): 2156-2160.

52.    Wenting He, Hong Liu*, Yidong Xing, Scott B. Jones. Comparison of three soil-like substrate production techniques for a bioregenerative life support system[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2010, 46(9): 1156-1161.

53.    Enzhu Hu, Sergey I. Bartsev, Hong Liu*. Conceptual design of a bioregenerative life support system containing crops and silkworms[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2010, 45(7): 929-939.

54.    Beizhen Xie, Hong Liu*, Yixin Yan. Improvement of the activity of anaerobic sludge by low-intensity ultrasound[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2009, 90(1): 260-264.

55.    Shaoqiang Yang, Boyang Jia, Hong Liu*. Effects of the Pt loading side and cathode-biofilm on the performance of a membrane-less and single-chamber microbial fuel cell[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(3): 1197-1202.

56.    Yunan Yang, Liman Tang, Ling Tong, Hong Liu*. Silkworms culture as a source of protein for humans in space[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2009, 43(8): 1236-1242.

57.    E. V. Nesterenko, V. A. Kozlov*, S. V. Khizhnyak, N. S. Manukovsky, V. S. Kovalev, Yu L. Gurevich, Hong Liu, Yidong Xing, Enzhu Hu. Testing anti-fungal activity of a soil-like substrate for growing plants in bioregenerative life support systems[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2009, 44(8): 958-964.

58.    Beizhen Xie, Lin Wang, Hong Liu*. Using Low Intensity Ultrasound to Improve the Efficiency of Biological Phosphorus Removal[J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2008, 15(5): 775-781.

59.    Zhenglong Li, Lu Yao, Lingcai Kong, Hong Liu*. Electricity generation using a baffled microbial fuel cell convenient for stacking[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(6): 1650-1655.

60.    Chunxiao Xu, Hong Liu*. Crop Candidates for the Bioregenerative Life Support Systems in China[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2008, 63(7-10): 1076-1080.

61.    Chenliang Yang, Hong Liu*, Ming Li, Chengying Yu, Yu.L. Gurevich. Treating urine by Spirulina platensis[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2008, 63(7-10): 1049-1054.

62.    Chengying Yu, Hong Liu*, Yidong Xing, N.S. Manukovsky, V.S. Kovalev, Yu.L. Gurevich. Bioconversion of rice straw into soil-like substrate[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2008, 63(7-10): 1037-1042.

63.    Xiaohui Yu, Hong Liu*, Ling Tong. Feeding scenario of the silkworm Bombyx Mori, L. in the BLSS[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2008, 63(7-10): 1086-1092.

64.    H. Liu, C. Yu, N.S. Manukovsky, V.S. Kovalev*, Yu.L. Gurevich, J. Wang. A conceptual configuration of the lunar base bioregenerative life support system including soil-like substrate for growing plants[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2008, 42(6): 1080-1088.

65.    Yu.L. Gurevich, N.S. Manukovsky, V.S. Kovalev*, A.G. Degermendzy, Dawei Hu, EnZhu Hu, Hong Liu. The carbon cycle in a bioregenerative life support system with a soil-like substrate[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2008, 63(7-10): 1043-1048.

66.    Dawei Hu, Hong Liu*, Chenliang Yang, Enzhu Hu. The design and optimization for light-algae bioreactor controller based on artificial neural network-model predictive control[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2008, 63(7-10): 1067-1075.

67.    Hong Liu*, Yunhua He, Xiangchun Quan, Yixin Yan, Xianghui Kong, Anjie Li. Enhancement of organic pollutant biodegradation by ultrasound irradiation in a biological activated carbon membrane reactor[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2005, 40(9): 3002-3007.

68.    Wei Ouyang, Hong Liu*, V. Murygina, Yongyong Yu, Zengde Xiu, S. Kalyuzhnyi. Comparison of bio-augmentation and composting for remediation of oily sludge: A field-scale study in China[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2005, 40(12): 3763-3768.

69.    Xiangchun Quan*, Hanchang Shi, Hong Liu, Pingping Lv, Yi Qian. Enhancement of 2,4-dichlorophenol degradation in conventional activated sludge systems bioaugmented with mixed special culture[J]. Water Research, 2004, 38(1): 245-253.


1.       Yue Yi, Xingye Li, Xuanhua Jiang, Beizhen Xie*, Hong Liu*, Dawei Liang, Ying Zhu. Assessing the solitary and joint biotoxicities of heavy metals and acephate using microbial fuel cell-全文[A]. InInternational Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering [C]. Changsha, China: 2015.

2.       Weizhe Zhang, Beizhen Xie*, Hong Liu*. Utilization and perspective of carbon nanotube/polyaniline composites as anode for improvement of MFC-全文[A]. In: 2015 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Environment Science[C]. Wuhan, China: 2015.

3.       Yue YiXingye LiXuanhua JiangBeizhen Xie*Hong Liu*, Dawei Liang, Ying Zhu. Optimization study of a microbial fuel cell (MFC)-based biosensor-全文[A]. In: 2015 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Environment Science[C]. Wuhan, China: 2015.

4.       Lige Yang, Beizhen Xie*, Yuming Fu, Hong Liu*. Progress in research of biological denitrification of AA/O process and the feasibility of enhancing electricity generation and denitrification of MFC-AA/O Reactor-全文[A]. In: The 3rd Internation Conference on Energy and Power Enginerring. Najing, China: 2015.

5.       李兴业, 贾伯阳, 谢倍珍, 刘红*. 面向空间废物处理的微生燃料电池隔膜材料研究[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2013, 7: 1006-1010.

6.       Leyuan Li, Beizhen Xie, Wenting Fu, Wenting He, Hong Liu*. Allelopathic Potential and Chemical Components of Aqueous Extract from Soil-Like Substrate[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 455-456.

7.       Chenliang Yang, Ming Li, Chengying Yu, Yu.L. Gurevich, Hong Liu*. Consumption of nitrogen and phosphorus in human urine by Spirulina platensis[J]. International Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 10(1): 45-54.

8.       刘红*, 闫怡新. 低强度超声波对低温下污水生物处理的强化效果及工艺设计[J]. 环境科学, 2008, 29(3): 721-725.

9.       胡训杰, 杨玉楠*, 刘红, 祝威, 董健. 嗜盐菌强化生物活性炭处理不同盐浓度采油废水的研究[J]. 环境科学, 2007, 28(10): 2213-2218.

10.    李安婕, 刘红*, 王文燕, 全向春, 张丹, 李宗良. 生物活性炭流化床净化采油废水的效能及特性[J]. 环境科学, 2006, 27(5): 918-923.

11.    刘红*, 于承迎, 庞丽萍, 王浚. 俄罗斯受控生态生保技术研究进展[J]. 航天医学与医学工程, 2006, 19(5): 383-387.

12.    欧阳威, 刘红*, 于勇勇, V Murygina, S Kalyuzhnyi, 许增德. 微生物强化处理与堆制强化处理含油污泥对比试验[J]. 环境科学, 2006, 27(1): 160-164.

13.    闫怡新, 刘红*. 低强度超声波强化污水生物处理机制[J]. 环境科学, 2006, 27(4): 647-650.

14.    闫怡新, 刘红*. 低强度超声波强化污水生物处理中超声辐照周期的优化选择[J]. 环境科学, 2006, 27(5): 898-902.

15.    闫怡新, 刘红*. 低强度超声波强化污水生物处理中超声辐照污泥比例的优化选择[J]. 环境科学, 2006, 27(5): 903-908.

16.    闫怡新, 刘红*, 张山立, 谢倍珍. 低强度超声波强化SBR处理生活污水[J]. 环境科学, 2006, 27(8): 1596-1602.

17.    姚璐, 李正龙, 刘红*. 低强度超声波改善微生物燃料电池产电效能[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2006, 32(12): 1472-1476.

18.    刘红*, 闫怡新. 低强度超声波改善污泥活性[J]. 环境科学, 2005, 26(4): 124-128.

19.    刘红*, 李安婕, 全向春, 孔祥辉, 云影. 生物活性炭降解2 ,4-二氯酚的特性[J]. 环境科学, 2004, 25(6): 80-84.


1.       胡大伟,付玉明,杜小杰,张金晖,刘红*. 生物再生生命保障地基实验系统气密性评价[J], 载人航天, 2016, 22(3): 399-405.

2.       梁雪,付玉明,刘红*. 生物再生生命保障系统内候选动物蛋白—蚕(Bombyx mori L )的研究进展[J], 航天医学与医学工程, 2015, 28(6): 460-463.

3.       谢倍珍, 苏强, 杨少强, 刘红*.填充竹炭对微生物燃料电池性能的影响[J]. 环境污染与防治, 2014,36(2):1-10.

4.       谢倍珍, 刘博杰, 杨少强, 刘红*.生物阴极式碳纸隔膜微生物燃料电池的反硝化和产电性能研究[J]. 环境工程学报, 2014,8(6):2163-2168.

5.   谢倍珍,米静,杜新品,刘红*. 微生物电解池效能及其与微生物燃料电池的联合运行探索[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(9)59-64.

6.   孙伊,刘红*. 密闭舱室内微生物污染问题及其防控体系[J]. 载人航天, 2014, 20(6): 543-549.

7.       Dawei Hu, Hong Liu*, EnZhu Hu, Ming Li. Research of modeling and simulation for light-algae bioreactor in BLSS[J]. Space Medicine & Medical Engineering, 2009, 22(1): 1-8.

8.   佟玲, 刘红*. 生物再生式生命保障系统内动物蛋白生产的研究进展[J]. 航天医学与医学工程, 2009, 22(1): 72-78.

9.       刘红*, 胡恩柱, 胡大伟, N.S. Manukovsky, V.S. Kovalev, Yu.L. Gurevich. 生物再生生命保障系统设计的基本问题[J]. 航天医学与医学工程, 2008, 21(4): 372-376.

10.    杨少强, 谢倍珍, 刘红*. 低强度超声波强化剩余活性污泥好氧消化的研究[J]. 环境污染与防治, 2007, 29(7): 498-501

11.    杨少强, 谢倍珍, 刘红*. 低强度超声波强化膨胀污泥好氧消化[J]. 给水排水, 2007, 36: 50-53.

12.    欧阳威, 刘红, 于勇勇, 张丹, Valentina P. Murygina, 许增德. 高羊茅对微生物强化修复石油污染土壤影响的研究[J]. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2006, 7(1): 94-97.

13.    谢倍珍, 刘红*. 超声波强化污水厌氧生物处理综述[J]. 环境污染与防治, 2006, 28(4): 267-269.

14.    孔祥辉, 刘红*, 张山立, 闫怡新, 何韵华. 低温下膜-生物活性炭工艺深度处理回用水的试验研究[J]. 环境污染与防治, 2005, 27(7): 481-484.

15.    李安婕, 刘红, 王文燕, 张丹, 祝威. 生物活性炭法吸附降解正十六烷的研究[J]. 化工环保, 2005, 25(4): 259-262.

16.    于勇勇, 刘红, 何韵华, 闫怡新. 用灰色关联度方法分析活性炭-膜生物反应器效率的影响因素[J]. 环境污染与防治, 2005, 27(9): 660-663.

17.    张山立, 刘红, 李其军, K. Shivetsov, K. Morozemova, 王占生. 生物活性炭膨胀床工艺处理微污染水源水[J]. 农业环境科学学报, 2005, 24(5): 984-989.

18.    闫怡新, 刘红*. 低强度超声波强化污水生物处理技术[J]. 中国给水排水, 2004, 20(8): 31-33.


近期主要专利成果(Recent Patents Selected):

1.   谢倍珍, 易越, 刘红. 模块化微生物燃料电池电极堆[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2014/7/16, 专利号: ZL201410337889.2

2.   付玉明, 王敏娟, 刘红. 一种测定植物呼吸作用的实验装置及其方法[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2014/1/16, 专利号: ZL201410019523.0

3.       刘红, 王敏娟, 付玉明, 谢倍珍, 赵明, 刘慧, 胡恩柱, 张厚凯. 一种植物工厂[P]. 中国发明专利, 申请日: 2012/5/21, 专利号: ZL201210158630.2

4.       刘红, 孙伊, 张厚凯, 竞铮, 姚峰, 张昊. 可模拟多种复杂环境条件的人工气候箱[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2011/12/16, 专利号: ZL201110423310.0

5.       刘红, 孙伊, 张厚凯. 一种物体表面微生物采样培养皿[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2012/6/8,专利号: ZL201210190400.4

6.       刘慧, 赵芷若, 刘红, 付玉明. 一种阳台植物工厂[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2012/6/14, 专利号: ZL201210195867.8

7.       刘红, 谢倍珍, 易越. 一种水质综合毒性生物预警装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2012/3/16,专利号: ZL201210070897.6

8.       刘红,佟玲. 空间基地蚕培养装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2010/07/22,专利号: ZL201010237601.6

9.       刘红, 康文丽. 一种物体表面微生物采样装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2011/3/8,专利号: ZL201110055883.2

10.    刘红, 付玉明, 邵玲智. 一种模拟空间微重力效应下的新鲜植物性食物连续生产实验装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2010/3/3,授权号: ZL201010117620.5

11.    刘红, 杜方舟. 分体式无膜微生物燃料电池[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2010/7/12,专利号: ZL201010229468.X

12.    刘红, 胡恩柱. 空间永久基地有机废物处理装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2010/1/27,专利号: ZL201010033958.2

13.    刘红, 杜新品. 一种微生物燃料电池的综合实验架[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2009/11/3, 专利号: ZL200910236636.5

14.    胡大伟, 刘红, 李明, 佟玲. 小型人工生态系统气体平衡调节的鲁棒控制器[P]. 中国发明专利, 申请日: 2010/6/1, 专利号: ZL201010195867.9

15.    刘红, 李明, 胡大伟. 一种自动调控密闭系统中CO2和O2平衡的方法[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2010/5/7,专利号: ZL201010172059.0

16.    刘红, 贾伯阳. 卷式微生物燃料电池[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2009/10/16, 专利号: ZL200910236022.7

17.    刘红,付玉明. 一种空间微重力下蔬菜栽培的水分供给装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2010/5/6,专利号: ZL201010166816.3

18.    刘红, 邢一东, 于承迎. 用于进行植物的气体释放和气体转化规律研究的密闭装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2008/8/18,专利号: ZL200810117948.X

19.    刘红, 邢一东, K•瓦洛佳, M•尼古拉伊, G•尤里. 一种用蚯蚓将空间基地秸秆等有机废物资源化的装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2007/11/7,专利号: ZL200710176921.3

20.    刘红, 佟玲. 生物再生生命保障系统生物单元间关系模拟综合实验装置[P]. 中国发明专利, 申请号: 2007/6/12, 专利号: ZL200710118812.6

21.    刘红,李正龙,支银芳. 可堆叠式单室微生物燃料电池[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2006/11/28,专利号: ZL200610144991.6

22.    刘红, 于承迎. 空间永久基地有机废物预处理装置[P],中国发明专利,申请日: 2006/10/17,专利号: ZL200610140563.6

23.    刘红, 何韵华, 王江辉. 超声波与磁场共同防治膜污染的装置[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2002/11/29,专利号: ZL02153473.X

24.    刘红. 超声波协同生物吸附水处理方法[P]. 中国发明专利,申请日: 2002/8/13,专利号: ZL02125710.8











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Address:  School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University


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Email:    LH64@buaa.edu.cn




Institute of Environmental Biology and Life Support Technology (http://www.lss-lab.bme.buaa.edu.cn)