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陈晓芳 博士 副教授;




Xiaofang Chen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University

Tel010-82339861             Email: xfchen@buaa.edu.cn










1997-2001: B.E. Department of precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University

2001-2004: M.S. Life Science and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University

2004-2009: Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Irvine

Professional Experience

2010-2011: Post doctoral scholar, Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley

2013 Associate Professor, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University




    1. 人造组织血管化:血管网向组织细胞运输血液,是组织存活必不可少的部分。我们将在体外构建三维血管网络,利用微流控等工程手段控制血管生长,研究力学环境对血管功能的影响,并诱导血管功能成熟;在此基础上构建血管化的人造组织。

    2. 利用基因编辑技术获取组织细胞(细胞重编程):细胞是实现组织功能的基本单元,而许多组织细胞比如人心肌细胞,肝脏细胞很难进行体外培养和增殖,如何获取大量的具有生物功能的组织细胞是目前组织工程的另一个难题。我将利用基因工程技术,对成纤维细胞或间充质干细胞进行改造,以改变其生理功能和命运。

Research Interests

1.  Vascularization of engineered tissue

2.  Gene targeting, cell reprogramming


近期主要论著(Recent Publications Selected:

1.        Deng, Y., Y. Sun, X. Chen, P. Zhu, and S. Wei. Biomimetic Synthesis of Bone-like Apatite in Polysaccharide-gelatin Hybrid Hydrogel by Single-directional Diffusion Process. Materials Science and Engineering C, 33(5): 2905-2913, 2013

2.       Chen, X., M.A. Kapil, A.J. Hughes, and A.E. Herr. A single-microchannel, multi-step assay reports protein size and immunoaffinity. Analytical Chemistry, 83(17): 6573-6579, 2011

3.       Chen, X., A. S. Aledia, S.A. Popson, L. Him, C.C.W. Hughes, and S.C. George. Rapid anastomosis of endothelial precursor cell-derived vessels with host vasculature is promoted by a high density of co-transplanted fibroblasts. Tissue Engineering, Part A, 16(2): 585-94, 2010

4.       Chen, X., A. S. Aledia, C.M. Ghajar, C.K. Griffith, A.J. Putnam, C.C.W. Hughes, and S.C. George. Prevascularization of a fibrin based tissue construct accelerates the formation of functional anastomosis with host vasculature. Tissue Engineering, Part A, 15(6): 1363-1371, 2009. (Editor’s Pick, ranked in the top 10% in this field)

5.       Ghajar, C.M., X. Chen, J.W. Harris, V. Suresh, C.C.W. Hughes, N.L. Jeon, A.J. Putnam, and S.C. George. The effect of matrix density on 3-D capillary morphogenesis. Biophysical Journal, 94: 1930-1941, 2008

6.       Shen, K., X. Chen, M. Guo, and J. Cheng. A novel thermal component and temperature control in micro PCR using flexible printed circuit technology. Sensors and Actuators B, 105: 251-258, 2005.

7.       Chen, X., K. Shen, P. Liu, G. Liu, M. Guo, J. Cheng, and Y. Zhou. Silica-based solid phase extraction of DNA on a microchip. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 9: 379-383, 2004

8.       Liu, C., M. Guo, X. Chen, and J. Cheng. Low voltage driven miniaturized pump with high backpressure. SPIE, 4982: 344-355, 2003


1.       Chen, X., A.S. Aledia, S.A. Popson, L. Him, C.C. Hughes, and S.C. George. Engineering functional 3-dimensional vessel networks. Biomedical Engineering Society annual fall meeting, Oct. 2009, Pittsburg

2.       Chen, X., A.S. Aledia, S.A. Popson, L. Him, C.C. Hughes, and S.C. George. Engineering functional 3-dimensional vessel networks. Biomedical Engineering Society annual fall meeting, Oct. 2009, Pittsburg


1 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2014-2016

2 “卓越百人”条件建设经费,2013年



电话:010-82339861       电子邮件:xfchen@buaa.edu.cn


Contact Information:

Address: School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University

XueYuan Road No.37, HaiDian District, Beijing, 100191, China

Tel010-82339861           Email:xfchen@buaa.edu.cn