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    近日,我校生物与医学工程学院在Journal of Science Education and Technology上发表了一篇同时被SCI/SSCI收录的教学研究论文" A Multidisciplined Teaching Reform of Biomaterials Course for Undergraduate Students"。李晓明副教授和赵峰老师为共同第一作者;樊瑜波教授、李德玉教授和李晓明副教授为通讯作者。文章原文地址:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10956-015-9559-3


    本论文投稿后没有要求修改直接被接受。评审人给予了较高的评价"The article titled 'A Multidisciplined Teaching Reform of Biomaterials Course for Undergraduate Students' is a very timely and useful article as biomaterials are an important topic in the undergraduate curricula of materials science and biomedical engineering disciplines. This article will be of vital use to all departments that are trying to redesign their courses in order to meet the advances in the industrial sectors. This is necessary in order for the students to be able and be absorbed by high tech companies. I therefore strongly support the publication of this paper."